What sort of 'revenge' IS THIS?!

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(Lian's POV)

"Soooooooo.....whos this revenge on?" I asked following Dai or 'sir' down the brightly lit hallway.

"Oh, you will soon find out." he replied.

Oh yeah! In the last chapter I didn't explain how this dude looked....

Well excuse me for being temporarily blind!

So basically..........this dude is ripped as hell....his entire being us just made out of muscle!

And I'm serious about him being related to Sasuke!

I mean, they both want revenge and they both have black hair!

Do I need any more proof?

...Pft, who needs science to prove this?

"You sure you're not related to Sasuke?" I asked.


"But you're so much like him!" I stated. "Revenge obsessed and black hair!"

Dai sighed, "You do realise that there are people that have black hair and aren't related to the Uchiha clan, right?"

"Oh yeah?" I asked, sassy style activate, "Like who?"

"Orochimaru." he said and my eyes widened and I fell to my knees.

"....Oh dear lord...it all makes sense now..." I muttered.


"Orochimaru didn't obtain the sharingan and was made fun of so he left the village and decided that he would get revenge!"

"So he dressed up like Itachi and destroyed the clan and Itachi got the blame! So Itachi was forced to join the Akatsuki and so Orochimaru attempted to steal his sharingan but failed epicly!"

"That's why he's so obsessive over Sasuke! He hates it that he got the sharingan and he didn't so he's gonna steal it from him!!"

".....Kid......you're good...." Dai sweatdropped.

"Wait....I WAS RIGHT?!?!?!" I yelled, "I was being sarcastic that whole time!!!"

"Okay, some of it was right, some of it was bullshit." Dai stated and I sweatdropped. "But how could a Genin know some of that classified information??"

"I may have read certain scrolls that I shouldn't have." I smiled innocently.

"Ugh, that explains it..."

He stopped at a random door and opened it, walking in. I looked inside and soon followed seeing it was just a random room with a table and a couple of chairs.

"Sit in this chair." Dai ordered.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously but did as so.

Okay, if you'd been walking what felt like an hour and was offered a seat, would you take it or continue to stand?

Point taken?

Point taken.

...Okay maybe it wasn't such a good idea....

As soon as I'd sat down, Dai did quick hand signs and ropes flew everywhere, it was crazy!

The ropes had swung around everywhere and wrapped themselves around me.

Yip, I am now a cocoon!! I will become a butterfly!

"Ugh...what're you doin'" I asked as Dai walked over to a huge cabinet and opened it up...

I anime fell.

"You're shitting me, right?!?!?!?!" I screamed seeing random looking knifes and other weird pointy items.

Any other situation and I would of been fine, but this? Nu uh, I don't wanna see these items!!

As long as he doesn't bring out any -


"GET DAT SHIT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" I screamed so loudly that the dude slammed into the wall. "DROP THE ITEM AND I MAY LET YOU STAND!!!"


"Shit...." I groan.



Groaning, I blink my eyes open to see a bright BLINDING light right in my face.

"Ugh!!! Turn the lights off..." I said shutting my eyes shut.

"Looks like she's awake." Hmm...sounds like...Dai?


"I still don't believe you."

.......who the ef is that?

"What's your name?"



"Oh right, sorry..." I yawned sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

I jump into the air and land, doing the peace sign with a eye closed smile and yelled, "My name is Lian Titen! The cute and deadly psychopath! I'm messed up and proud!"

When I opened my eyes I blinked again, thinking the light must be playing tricks on me,

"W-Who is this?" I asked Dai, pointing at the man sitting on the chair at the other side of the desk he was sitting at.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now