Test Time

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Ah, hello! Welcome! You are reading I'm Messed Up and Proud! This is one of the chapters that I have indeed edited so do not fear, terrible grammar and awful spelling mistakes won't be in your way (hopefully)

Just in case you are unaware, I don't own Naruto - shocking, right?

Enjoy the chapter!

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(Lian's POV)

Humming the James Bond theme tune, I glance around trying to try and find where everyone is hiding. I am personally behind a variety of rocks that look like they're there for decoration more than anything else. Sasuke is probably somewhere with a height advantage so I bet he'll be up in a tree somewhere, Sakura probably tried to follow him and lost him so...probably a bush or something.

Now Naruto is the wild card, he could be anywhere from the trees, the grass, the lake, the middle of the battlefield with absolutely no cover whatsoever. Nice.

Kakashi seems to be just as baffled as I am but. I mean. Did I really expect more?

I'm not going to call what I witness a fight, because it's more taunting and why is Kakashi reading one of those books right now? Disgusting... You know, I sometimes regret learning how to read after accidentally coming across one of them books. I swear, if I ever meet the author I'm gonna -

"A thousand years of death!"


And Naruto went soaring, flying across the field and straight into the lake. I facepalmed, surely leaving a mark. Good aim, but should Kakashi really have stuck his fingers up Naruto's butt? Seems more than a bit dodgy, sir.

It was only a few a moment or two of peace before an army of Narutos appeared out of the lake! Last I checked, he was rubbish at this jutsu! What happened? And he's attacking Kakashi! That's awesome!

Until it, of course, isn't.

Naruto, not exactly the sharpest kunai of the bunch, appears to now be brawling with himself. Kakashi is nowhere to be seen.

I use this opportunity to prepare my weapons for an attack. Knowing Kakashi, he hasn't gone far and I need to get one of the bells! Looking in my pouch, I take out a set of kunai knives already prepared for an attack and strap them onto my upper arms, connecting them to my belts.

Ha! You thought these belts were just a fashion statement? I mean, they were until I came up with an idea that'll put them to use!

"I get it! I get it!" I hear Naruto yell. Wonder what he's got himself into now.

Peeking around the decorative rocks, I look to see what all the commotion is and sweatdrop at the sight of Naruto hanging upside down from the tree.

"I'm only telling you this because you clearly don't get it," Kakashi explained in his 'I'm a responsible adult voice' which I've personally heard too many times, "Thinking you get it isn't actually the same as getting it, get it?"

Both Naruto and I stare at Kakashi with confused looks on our faces. I mean they don't know how nearby I am but I'm sure they can sense the confusion.

It was then as Kakashi continued that I sensed it; danger! Now, I don't have any spider-sense or superpowers like that, but when you see a flurry of kunai knives flying past you kind of get a sense of danger. Thankfully they weren't heading towards me but towards Kakashi!

With a couple of thuds, the knives were lodged in him and for a split second I worried someone actually got him, but then he changed into a log! Wood you believe it?!

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now