Yet again, a filler! XD

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(Lian's POV)

"Alright, seeing as you didn't turn up for training yesterday," Fidoshi-sensei said with a warning or 'what have you got to say to that?' kind of tone making me laugh awkwardly, "You'll be doing your punishment training."

I groan and smack my head against the tree.


I jump up at the branch and swing my legs over it and prepared for the torture which will soon begin.

After FREAKIN FOREVER!!!!!!!! Fidoshi-sensei finally let me down and told me to start push ups.

Seriously? I know!!

I don't wanna be ripped! I want abs and shizz but.....I don't want my veins popping out of my skin!!!!!!

After, yet again, FREAKIN FOREVER!!!!!!! Fidoshi-sensei said it was time for me to run around the village only five times.

.....five times in an only, yes.....

He once thought that I'd do it twenty times. Ha ha! I ran away.

So, another time skip, blah blah blah, I finally finished my run and Fidoshi-sensei let me rest for fifteen minutes to get my strength back and stuff.

"Now, are you ready to learn a brand new jutsu!?!?!?" Fidoshi-sensei asked all too enthusiastically making me sweatdrop.

"Uncle Guy...." I mutter with an eye twitch.

"....I may have spent the day training with him...." my sensei admitted scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"What's this new jutsu!?!?!?!!" I yelled springing into action.

"First of all, go over the jutsus you do know."

I sigh as I perform the clone jutsu, the transformation jutsu and every other jutsu I learnt in the academy and from my sensei.

"Good, now. Let's try to build up that hurricane jutsu to 0.5 by the end of today." Fidoshi-sensei states and I nod.

....basically, 0.0 is the lowest and kind of a breeze and the higher the number goes, the bigger and better the hurricane is. It all depends on how you control your chakra and the amount of chakra you put into the jutsu.

Fidoshi-sensei is still trying to find information about my clan and the whereabouts of my siblings, and where my parents are too. Why would my family just abandon me?

Though...I had a dream that showed my parents dy - no. That wouldn't happen.

They are alive, I'm sure...

Plus, I can't trust what that Orochimaru person said. He's evil! Evil people manipulate people! I should know! I am evil!

...okay, not that kind of evil, just like...putting the cap on the wrong coloured pen kind of evil.'s still evil!

I'd managed to build up my jutsu to 0.4 before I collapsed out of chakra. It's a difficult jutsu, plus, I had to stand on water too...

"Alright, looks like your drained."

"Way to state the obvious." I said deadpanning.

I rubbed my forehead which my sensei had just flicked, and glared at him.

"You shouldn't be so cheeky." he said 'wisely'

"You shouldn't try to be wise, it doesn't suit you." I state and grab his hand before it makes contact with my already sore forehead, "And you shouldn't hurt your the way, how's it goin with Lorence?"

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now