Thank You <3

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Aw, it feels like just yesterday when I was sitting with my crummy little netbook beginning to write this little story....

Okay, maybe it feels slightly longer than yesterday (oops) but it's crazy how long I've managed to keep this up for and how many hoomans have actually decided to read it for whatever reason.

So, this little final author's note is here just to say a little 'thank you' (hence the title) to, well, you for reading this and motivating/threatening me to update and finish it.

I realise that the ending to this book was hella sudden (like, hot damn sudden) but I think it's a good place to end it off...

Now, plans for the future! Yes, of bloody course there shall be a sequel! Sheesh! Ye of little faith! fact, I think I can hear in the distance the sound of many readers crying wondering why of why is she going to start a sequel when she is rubbish at updating.

Ha ha! Very funny.

Okay, let me tell you...I have some ideas about what I want to do...

I want to create a few spin-offs before I begin the actual sequel, and I am MOST DEFINITELY editing this monstrosity. I mean, you've seen the grammar and spelling mistakes and the AHHHH! I'll probably fix the plot while I'm at it...

A first spin-off will be the adventures of Lian and Rythian on their travels, which I think will be pretty dang interesting...cause I'll bring in familiar characters and I WANT TO OKAY! I THINK IT'LL BE FUN!

The other spin-off I'm thinking of doing is the other team - Gwen, Den and Nat - and their adventures together with their awful sensei (who is still on the run btw...)

So, let's just say have lots of ideas....and it's gonna be a long time before we reach the end...

Again, a HUGE thank you for putting up with awful grammar, many OCs, an off the topic plot, and irregular updates! It's been a helluva journey and thanks for joining me in it ^-^


Oh yeah, I am gonna update on the other fanfics ASAP, don't worry ^-^

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now