Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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I don't care if it's past Valentine's Day!


Enjoy ^.^

Also, no there shall not be a Valentine's Day special.
I don't celebrate Valentine's Day
Don't see the point

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(Lian's POV)

"Spill it." Gwen ordered, both me and Lan sitting next either side of her, with the same arms crossed, accusing expression.

Directed at the two.

Den and Nat sat there nervously. "Ugh...."

"We just sort of....came out to each other one night and....thought we' know...." Nat tried to explain.

"You guys had sex?" Lan asks and then glares at Den, "You touched my brother?"

"N-No!" Den said terrified of the furious Lan.

"We decided to go out and see if it would be weird or not." Den explained

"And, it wasn't." Nat finished.

"You're already finishing off each other's sentences." Gwen said sarcastically wiping a fake tear away.

"Well....congrats!" I cheer to lighten the mood up.

"You're not...fazed?" Den asked.

"Why would we be?" Lan says shrugging.

Den and Gwen exchange looks and grin at each other.

"So Lian, if Rythian doesn't work out - "


"I'm kidding! I got my eye on some other bootay~!"

".....We should probably go to the hospital and give Lawrence his new leg." Nat said.

"Oh yeah."

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"This is amazing, Nat..." Lady Tsunade complimented at the finished design. "This could help so many people...I'd like you to talk with me later on about these designs."

"Yes ma'am." Nat said smiling ear to ear.

We were in a conference room in the hospital. Lawrence was in a wheelchair and we were discussing the possibility of our handicapped friend walking again.

"So wait, if I have the surgery then...i can walk again?!" Lawrence said with the happiest look I've ever seen on a person.

Shizune didn't look convinced. "What if -"

"It's up to him, he should get the choice." Gwen said.

"You were able to fix Lee." Naruto added, "you said it could be life threatening but he made it!"

"This isn't even life threatening, this could help him in so many ways." Den said.


We are shushed ourselves muttering apologises.

"What do you think?"

Lawrence gave her a grin, "I'd be honoured to have a second leg."

"Are you sure?" the Hokage asks.

"Definitely." he said.

"Alright, Nat and I shall discuss how this shall work and you will have a new leg before the new year." Lady Tsunade smiled.

We all grinned at each other, "OUR IDEA WORKED!"

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I woke up the next morning and immediately grinned. "Its christmas!"

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now