Our latest prank XD

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(Lian's POV)

I blinked away the sleep and counted to three....



.....two and a half....

.....two and a half of a half....


I quickly removed the warm blankets off of me and jumped out of bed to quickly pull on my fluffy slipper boots which were sooooooo fluffy!!!, and my dressing gown.

I groaned as I walked towards the kitchen, knowing Kakashi, he'll still be asleep. But today is just full of shocks!

"Good morning Lian." Kakashi said with an eye closed smile.

"....what have you done with Kakashi?" I asked while grabbing an apple and taking a bite out of it.

I <3>

Shinigami <3>

Therefore, I am a God of Death >:D

The imposter sweatdropped while I starred at him, just eating my apple.

"You're serious?" he asked.

"Kakashi never gets up early." I reply.

"Neither does Lian Titen." he back fired.

"....guess there can be changes for everyone." I shrugged and jumped up to sit on the counter, "So, why're you up early?"

"Well, I'm taking Sasuke back out of the hospital to train for the final exams." Kakashi replied.

I sighed, "I need to find someone to train me for who I'm up against..."

"Why don't you ask your uncles and aunts?" my guardian suggestes. "There's also the lady that works at the jail."

"BL? Hmm...I could try....but I'm busy today." I excused and jumped down grabbing another two apples and walking towards my room.

"Doing what?" Kakashi called.

"Pranks." I called back.

"Don't kill the village."



"FINE!!!!! I won't kill the VILLAGE!!!"


"FINE!! FINE!!! I won't kill any PERSON in the village!!"

"Good." I could hear the satisfied tone from that one word, "See you later this week."

I head the door slam closed and I looked at the clock on my wall seeing it was just turning seven.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

I looked at the clock which now has a smiley face in it with Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles Tails standing next to it as the face. It's now half seven. Time to meet Naruto.

In half an hour I've brushed my hair, teeth, washed my face and gotten dressed....and eaten about four more apples....okay! Five!! No need to be exact!!

I grabbed the last apple in the bowl before running out the door and closing it behind me. I never need to lock it, if I found a burgalar in here trying to found money....well, I'd help him!!! Seriously! I'm broke!!

When running down the streets of Konaha, I skidded under a table of about three baskets filled with apples, knocking the table over and catching a few apples and running away as the owner yelled bad words at me.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now