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Ah, it's been a while! Hasn't it? It's good to be back!

*dodges oncoming attacks of angry readers*


I've only just noticed how many own characters I've added in this fanfic and how off I am of the original plot-line...Oh well. It's called a fanfiction for a reason I guess, I've got my own original plot ^-^

Alright, I don't own Naruto! Please enjoy!

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(Lian's POV)


"Ugh..." I reply to Kakashi's calls.

"Rythian's here." he says, "Wake up."

I groan and nod into my pillow. "Will do..."

"Now, Lian!"

I groaned louder and rolled out of my bed and got ready for the day ahead. I can already tell it's gonna be long and hard with all the work we have to do.

When I walk out of my room I head into the kitchen and grab myself a muffin before grabbing Rythian's arm and dragging him towards the front door. "See you later, Kakashi!"

"So, what're we doing today?" Rythian asks as I munch on my muffin.

Nom nom nom mother ducker.



No! NO! We can deal with that next!

"Well, seeing as we are now The Three Investigators - "

"What - "

" - we first need to grab Naruto, and then we shall head to find Lady Tsunade!" I finish and take a HUGE bite out of my muffin.

We're almost at Naruto's when I turn to Rythian, walking backwards with a grin. "I've got a magic trick to show you!"


"Now you see it....this ordinary muffin." I say, showing him a new muffin which I also took before leaving. I then shove the entire thing in my mouth. I quickly swallow it and try to cough uncontrollably. "Now - you - don't!"

Rythian laughed at my amazing magic skills and I grinned. We reached Naruto's apartments and we raced to his floor, well, I told Rythian the wrong floor and managed to get to Naruto's before him.

"You cheater." Rythian pouted when he reached the door I was picking the lock of. "Shouldn't you just...knock?"

"Oh, but that's no fun." I say with an evil grin.

I hear a click from the lock and push the door open. My eyes widden in horror and I grab Rythian's hand and jump over the railing.

"LIAN TITEN! I THOUGHT I SAW THE LAST OF YOU!" the old man yelled as I ran to across the street to Naruto's apartment area.

Me and Rythian stand outside Naruto's apartment both out of breath. "I - take it- that isn't - the first time - this has - happened?" Rythian asked, hands on his knees.

This time, I knock furiously on the door until I hear a crash of trash and the groan of my best friend. Then the door opens and thus appears a Naruto wearing nothing but a t-shirt and boxers, and hair almost as messy as mine.

Key word; almost.

"Oh, morning guys." Naruto yawned and rubbed his eyes. "What're you doing here so early?"

. . . . .

. . .wait for it. . .

. . . . .

"OH!" Naruto yells and slams the door shut. We stand on the other side, leaning against the railing. I hear a lot of crashing sounds and objects breaking, cries of pain and frustration from my blonde friend, and then the door was opened to reveal a wild Naruto in his natural habitat!

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now