Smoking Hurts

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Ah, hello! Welcome! You are reading I'm Messed Up and Proud! This is one of the chapters that I have indeed edited so do not fear, terrible grammar and awful spelling mistakes won't be in your way (hopefully)

Just in case you are unaware, I don't own Naruto - shocking, right?

Enjoy the chapter!

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(Lian's POV)

"Good luck, kid." the ANBU lady says, opening the door.

And there I'm met with three familiar faces, and one not so familiar.

"Shikamaru!" I cheer, throwing my entire body weight at him and probably causing him to fall.

"What are you doing here?" he groans from the floor.

Deciding to ignore his question, I jump up with a smile before leaping at Choji.

"Choji!" I cheer, wrapping the boy in a hug. He is strong enough to withstand my body weight, either that or he was just a bit more prepared.

I remove myself from the hug before turning to Ino. I then grin once more and pull her into a hug.

"Never thought I'd be happy to see you!" I say with a grin on my face.

"Um...thanks?" she says, awkwardly patting my back.

"What happened?" Shikamaru sighed, getting off the floor. "Why are you even here?"

"Good to see you too, Pineapple..." I sweatdrop. "And for your information, I had this really awful sensei who threw me out so I think I'm going to be joining you guys!"



"What a drag...."

"Got it." Asuma-sensei said to the ANBU lady.

She then turns to me. "Please don't scare this one away." she says before going in a puff of smoke.

"No promises." I grin where she stood before turning to my new sensei. "Greetings, I'm Lian Titan! I'm messed up and proud!"

The man with a beard before my smiled, extending his hand for a formal hand shake. "I'm Asuma Sarutobi, it's nice to meet you."

The man had a black beard covering the lower part of his face, however he didn't look like Father Christmas so he didn't look 'old' old. His head was placed on his spiked up hair and he wore the standard and recommended uniform of jounin, unlike a certain uncle of mine.

"Right, now I take it you all know each other." he said, sitting on the desk and lighting a cigarette. "You were all in the same class."



"That's right."


"Great," he says, breathing out smoke, making us all cough. "Oh, sorry."

The others stop coughing after a couple of seconds, however me? Um...

I promise I'm not trying to be dramatic or anything, it's just that it feels like I've suddenly lost the ability to breathe. Haha, come on lungs. Work.

"Lian, are you okay?" Shikamaru asks, genuine concern on his face.

And that's when the panic set in.

"Can't....air..." I manage to get out before unfortunately losing any state of consciousness I had.

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I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now