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Ah, hello! Welcome! You are reading I'm Messed Up and Proud! This is one of the chapters that I have indeed edited so do not fear, terrible grammar and awful spelling mistakes won't be in your way (hopefully)

Just in case you are unaware, I don't own Naruto - shocking, right?

Enjoy the chapter!

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(Lian's POV)

For what seems like once in his life, Kakashi was on time. Sorta. Well, he was on time in his books. It's a good thing too because I was about to go off on Tazuna again, and Izumo and Kotetsu were far too amused to stop any of this.

"Calm down, Lian," Kakashi said, lightly bonking my head.

I rubbed it lightly where he hit, readjusting the scroll I hid within my hair.

"Whatever..." I grumbled.

"Also," he said, leaning down making me shrink in fear. Oh no. "Why is the kitchen covered in giant feathers?"

"Um..." I started, "Summoning giant birds is something I'm pretty good at?"


"Come on!" Naruto yelled, "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

I use this distraction to go pick up my bag from the ground, glaring as Izumo and Kotetsu sniggered to each other.

"Oh, you're in trouble." Kotetsu giggled.

"No, I'm not."

"What'd you do this time, Lian?" Izumo asked.

"Nothing! I'll see you guys later." I grumble and go catch up with Naruto who has taken the lead.

I'm still mad at Tazuna, what a rude old man... Oh, what did he do? Well, first he insulted Naruto and then insulted me about my fashionable and super practical belts!

He also may have called me small...

Hey! I may look short, but I'm mega strong!

Power of the Midget!

"You go, Lian!" cheered Naruto.

Oh. Oh no.

I turn back to see everyone staring at me, sweatdropping.

"Nice." said Sasuke, deadpan as per usual.

Tazuna turned to Kakashi not-so-discreetly. "You sure my life is safe with the likes of these two around?"

That's it.

I take out a mini paint gun from my wrist band. I can't kill him, but a little paint never really hurt anybody too bad.

Kakashi's singular eye widened as he quickly snatched it off me. After realising what it was, he returned it to me.

"Sensei?" Sakura gasped, "Y-You're letting her keep the gun?"

"Yes, I am," Kakashi said, pretending to be happy, "And do you wanna know why?"

"Because you've gone completely bonkers?!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke wasn't complaining. I glanced at him, seeing him looking at the gun in my hands. He sighed and I sniggered. He knew.

"Well, since it's only a paint gun that can't actually kill anybody, I think it's safe enough to leave to Lian," Kakashi said, he rubbed his upper arm, "They can leave a bit of a sting though..."

Aiming the gun at Tazuna, I was interrupted as a duck made me lower my weapon.



I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now