The Sand Ninja

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Hey psychopathic lovers!!!!!!! :D

Was this quick, or what?! :)

So, I don't own Naruto yet!!!!

Naruto- yet?!??!

Me- you heard!!!!

Well, enjoy the chapter!!!! :D

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(Lian's POV)

The next day, I just stayed in bed since me legs were still feeling numb. My team visted me a few times when they were on their break of chores which the people here call 'missions'.

So far, Naruto got beat up by a woman for ruining her plants.

He'd also been dragged into a bombs field by a dog the size of me.

Aaaaaand, he'd also went off of a cliff, but the heroic duck saved him.










..........breath in..........breath out........

....I'm sorry....

Anyway, Haku stayed by me, bringing me food and toys to entertain myself with!!!

He was epic!!! He was like the perfect big bro to me!!

When I was sleeping, he and Kakashi went to see Old Man Hokage about Haku's situation and the Hokage said that he'd have to think about it since Haku would be a good edition to the ninja here in Konaha or something along those lines.

You know I tend to zone out a lot!

"Haku." I said, getting his attention.

"Yeah?" he replied, looking up from his book that he got from the library. I didn't even know the Leaf had a library! Well, I've never seen it....

........or been near it.......


........I don't think I have anyway........

"Do you know when I'll be leaving here? I'm getting bored." I sighed.

"The nurse said you should be getting out of here tomorrow if you just rest." Haku stated.

I nodded and yawned. "Well, nightie night."

I lay down and shut my eyes, driting off to sleep. The only sound was Haku's breathing and the pages turning from his book.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Don't do too much running now." The nurse warned me, "Or else you'll collapse."

"Thank you." I thanked with an eye closed smile and skipped out of the building with Haku by my side.

Suddenly!! Kakashi-sensei appeared in front of us!!! Scaring the life out of me!!

"SENSEI!!!" I yelled.

"Oh hi Lian, Haku, the Hokage wishes to see you. Lian start heading to the bridge and I'll talk to you and the others there about something important." Kakashi-sensie ordered.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now