The Story behind Fido and Rido Titen!

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I don't even know anymore....


Being 14 is so much fun...

....what am I doing with my life?

Ugh! Please just read my chapter and don't be hating!!

Be happy!


(Lian's POV)

"Alright...have you both calmed down?" I asked arms over my chest.

My two brothers sitting with ropes around them and pieces of cloth stuck in their gob both nodded their heads.

...when I'm pissed I'm powerful...

"Okay, so when I release you, Rido will tell me the story then Fido, you're part will come in later." I said, holding a kunia knife up, "Okay?"

The two nodded once more and I cut the ropes and let them release theirselves.

I shoved Fido over and sat down next to Rido with a grin.

"Ugh, you're so troublesome..." Fido grumbled.

- - - - - - -

"....Why did you tie him up again?" Rido sweatdropped while I tightened the rope around Fido who was struggling on the ground like a fish outta water.

"Cause he sounded like somebody from my village who is like..." I thought for a second, "He's my frenemy!"

"...Okay, so the story!" Rido grinned and I sat on the ground waiting.

"So..." Rido said bringing up fog and flashback music.

"OH MY GAUD!!" I grinned making it all disappear, "I CAN DO THAT TOO!!!"

"Its so cool, right?" Rido grinned.

"Why am I the only one that can't do it?" Fido cried in the corner.


"I'm a rogue ninja, that was nothing!" my brother grinned.

"Alright...explain. Now!" I ordered sitting in between the two.

Flashback fog!

"It was a few months after mam and dad said we were having a little sibling..."

"I'm gonna be the best big brother this kid will ever have!" Fido laughed walking along side Rido, both of them much younger than they were now.

"Ahem..." Rido deadpanned.

"Oh...yeah...the two of us!" Fido sheepishly laughed. "sorry!"

"It's alright." Rido sighed. "Mam and dad said we could give the kid a name...but we both have to agree on it..."

"I think...PewDiePie for the boy and Marzia for the girl!" Fido grinned.

"" Rido faceplamed.

"Humph! You come up with a name then!" Fido pouted.

"Mam and dad are gonna find out if the kid is a girl or boy today so we can discuss this later." Rido sighed stopping in the middle of the path. "I've got training to do, why don't you go and miserably fail at flirty with a girl out of your league?"

"Nah! These girls just can't handle the whole package!" Fido smirked and waved his sighing brother off.

"Idiot..." Rido muttered with a glare.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now