The Sound Ninja? ...why didn't you kill Kabuto?

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(Lian's POV)

I blinked myself awake for about the hundreth time in five minutes.

"Lian, you have to sleep." Leon insited, "I'll stay awake while you rest, okay?"

I shook my head, also shaking away the sleep.

"I can't Leon, they're my team mates...I can't let anything happen to them." I stated looking down at the two.

After the fight, Sasuke got this weird tatoo on his neck.

Why in the name of flying cheesecake do my two team mates have tatoos?! I'm as sure as hell they didn't have them in the land of waves!!

Either that or I'm very bad at observation.

....yeah, either one is a big posibility.

"Lian, it's fine. I'll wake you if anything or anyone happens to come near us." Leon reasured, "Just rest, okay?"

I finally gave in, resting my head in my arms and closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

- - - - - - -

I opened my eyes and say a forest surrounding me. was nothing like the forest of death...

This forest had low trees and berry bushes and nice, well looked after grass.

The Forest of Death had mud and gunge, trees as tall as the clouds and bushes which held child eating psychopaths!!!

My hair swished in the wind, making me realise my hair was down.

"Wow." I said, holding it up, "...maybe I should get a haircut..."

I got a hairband from my wrist and twisted and turned it till all my hair was in it's HUGE messy bun.

I smiled and looked around, trying to find a way out of this but...huh, there's...a house...weird...

I walked over to the house and tried looking in the windows...they seemed to be one way and unfortuatelly weren't my way.

I walked round to the front of the house where a brown horse stood, bending down in front of a bigger black one.

"Hiya..." I smiled walking over to them.

They didn't look at me.

My eyes brows furrowed into one. Why didn't the see me? I don't think I'm I?

I put my hand out to put the smaller but still really big horse and, as it was about to touch it's suddenly dropped dead.

My eyes widdened in shock. I bent down and looked at it, then seeing about five kunia knifes sticking out of its side.


I perked up, hearing my clan's name.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning around.

There, stood a man about 19, 20 odd and behind him was the burning house!!

"Wh-what happened?!" I yelled, running past him, stopping outside the doorway.

There were two bodies lying face flat. One had long red hair while the other had short midnight black hair.

The black haired person turned their head making me gasp and cough at the same time.

"Run...Lian..." my father said, falling limp and was silenced by a flamed wood.

It was him. I was sure. He looked exactly like the man in the photo.

Not similar features.


I started coughing due to the anount of smoke that was raining down on me.

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now