Fifth Year and School Embarrassment (drarry)

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Dedicated to Sophie_Malfoyy
for the request! (I wasnt sure of the second part of the request so I hope this is okay)

Harry's P.O.V

I finally decided to tell the blonde git my feelings for him and I figured I should do it as an announcement. He did really enjoy being the center of attention so I knew it would be perfect.

At breakfast the day after we came back, I waited for Draco to come into the Great Hall before making my way to the podium.

"What are you doing?" Umbridge asked as I stepped out.

"Don't worry about it toad." I hissed. I ignored her protests as I looked at the crowd. I cleared my throat and it instantly echoed throughout the room. Everyone looked up at me and I made eye contact with Draco. He raised an eyebrow and I took a deep breath.

"I have to say something." I told everyone. They all looked attentive at me and I grinned. "I'm in love with Draco Malfoy." I confessed. I looked at Draco and his jaw was slightly dropped. His eyebrows had disappeared into his hairline. I glanced around and it looked like everyone had similar reactions. I felt my face started to burn with mortification.

"Guess he doesn't feel the same Potter." Umbridge cackled. I tried to retort but no words came out so I just fled the great hall. God you idiot, that was dumb. I found an empty alcove and sat down, knees brought up to my chest.

"Damnit." I cursed. "I gotta just hideaway." I mumbled to myself. "Forever." As I was cursing myself for being the biggest idiot on the planet, I didn't hear the footsteps. "Stupid, Stupid, stupid."

"I wouldn't say stupid. Just dimwitted." A voice drawled. My head whipped up and Draco was standing in front of me. He was smiling down at me, all malice gone from his face. Again I tried to say something bit no words came out. "I am incredibly flattered Harry however, why did you tell the entire school?"

"Y-you like to be the center of attention." I mumbled and he smirked.

"Undeniably true but you don't." Draco squatted in front of me. "But I appreciate the gesture and I think since we're alone now I should tell you that I feel the same way." He told me and I frowned.


"Why what?" He asked.

"Why do you love me all of a sudden?" I asked and he laughed.

"I've liked you for a while Potter. I've only been trying to get your attention for four years now, it's about time though." He told me and I blushed. "So what do you say, will you go out with me?" He asked and I grinned,

"It will be my pleasure." I said and he laughed.

"Perfect, now let's go back to the Great Hall and show Umbitch who is boss." He told me and I laughed. He stood up and stuck out his hand. He helped me up and held my hand. Together we made our way back into the Great Hall as a couple.

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