Meeting With The Parents and Angry Dinner Guests (Scorbus)

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Dedicated to CloakShadow13993 for the request of part two of I Love You a Bushel and a Peck

Harry and Ginny made their way to the Malfoy's for dinner. Albus, their son, was already there with his fiancé.

"I don't see why we have to do this." Harry muttered to his wife.

"Because we'll be in laws. It's better to be civil with them." Ginny replied. Harry made a face. Ginny scowled and knocked on the door. Moments later, Draco Malfoy opened the door. He smiled widely ignoring Harry's glare.

"Welcome, so glad you could make it."

"Thank you for having us." Ginny replied. Draco allowed the couple in.

"Shall we go to the den? Dinner will be ready in just a few short minutes." He asked and Ginny smiled.

"That would be lovely." Ginny answered and yanked Harry.

"Yeah great Malfoy." He muttered bitterly. They walked into the den where Astoria was with the boys.

"Oh you're here." Albus greeted. He got up and hugged his parents.

"It's nice to see you." Astoria greeted.

"Thank you, you as well." Ginny greeted. Harry just remained quiet. Scowling inwardly. Ginny smacked Harry lightly.

"Nice to see you." He replied quietly. Albus rolled his eyes and whispered something into Scorpius' ear making him smile.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Draco asked.

"I'd love a soda, thank you." Ginny grinned and they looked at Harry. He muttered something about being poisoned. Ginny pinched him discreetly.

"Just a beer." Harry grunted.

"Great choice." Draco smiled and Harry scowled. Just as Draco handed the couple their drinks, Astoria informed them it was dinner. Albus and Scorpius walked hand in hand to the table.  Draco walked behind them. Harry went to go but Ginny grabbed him.

"Harry James Potter you are embarrassing me!" She whispered yelled.

"I don't want to be here." Harry defended and Ginny slapped him.

"If you mess this up for Albus, I will divorce you so quickly, you won't know what hit you." She yelled and Harry's eyes widened.

"What? You don't mean that!" He gasped and she glared.

"Try me. Don't mess with mama bear." She hissed. "Now be on your best behavior."


"Can't I just punch him once?" Draco whispered and Astoria glared.

"Absolutely not. You will be on you best behavior." She hissed just as the other couple walked back in. Draco scowled at his wife but then smiled at Harry.

"Have a seat Po-Harry."

"Thanks Draco." Harry replied. And for the rest of the night, the two men were on their best behaviors, even if they needed to be reminded by slaps from their wives.

Love And Longing (Drarry) (Scorbus) (One Shots) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now