The Dumstrang and the Hogwarts Champion (Drarry)

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The picture above is the prompt I took, I dont know who came up with it but idea creds go to them

Harry's P.O.V

Dumbledore announced that we were hosting a special tournament this year. He also mentioned that two other magical schools were coming to join us and when they did, that's when I saw him. He had blonde hair and gray eyes. He was looking around smirking and joking around with the other Dumstrangs.

"That's Draco Malfoy, was supposed to come here but his father doesn't like Dumbledore." Ron whispered in my ear. "His father is a follower of You Know Who." He told me and I locked eyes with the boy. His smirk widened when he saw me and then he winked causing me to blush and look away.

About a month later, my worst fear for this year came true. Someone had entered me into the tournament and I was meant to compete. I was annoyed and upset because my so called best friend turned his back on me. I felt worse than ever before.

However I would noticed that the blonde cutie Draco Malfoy would be staring at me. I felt his eyes on me in the library, the halls and once in the Great Hall. That time I smiled at him and ended up spilling my pumpkin juice over my front...that got a laugh from him.

During the first task, I noticed that Draco Malfoy was cheering for me instead of his school. He got multiple sneers and jeers but when he saw that I noticed, he smiled. Smiled! At me!

"So you got a date yet?" Ron asked me and I looked over to him. He was talking to me again. Apparently it wasn't because I was in the tournament at all. He saw the way I looked at Draco and the way Krum looked at Hermione, he was jealous we were finding someone... and from Dumstrang no doubt. He came around though which I was happy about.

"For the ball?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. They announced this big ball known as the Yule Ball. It was set to be on Christmas Eve so most of the school plus the other schools were staying to attend.

"No what about you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"How about when we return to the common room tonight, we both have dates, yeah?" He suggested.

"Yeah sure why not. I'm gonna go to the library and find Mione, I'll be back." I told him and walked to the library. She was sitting by herself so I walked over to her and plopped in the seat next to her.

"Hello." I smiled. "Do you have a date for the ball yet?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"Why, choosing me as a last resort?" She asked and I feigned hurt.

"Hermione, I would never do such a thing." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes I do have a date."

"What? Who?"

"It's a surprise." She smirked. I heard laughter behind me so I looked and Krum was sitting with Draco Malfoy. They were whispering quietly and then the blonde turned to me. He smirked at me so I turned away with a blush. "Looks like you've got a crush." Hermione pointed out and I scowled at her. Someone cleared their throat next to me so I looked up. The smirking blonde was stand there so I tensed.

"Harry Potter?" He addressed so I nodded. "Would you do me the pleasure of being my date for the dance?" He asked and I blinked at him.

"Harry answer him!" She scolded and I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. He barked out a laugh.

"Great, I'll pick you up at half passed six." He told me so I nodded. He sauntered off and I looked at Hermione who giggled.

"Looks like you've got a date for the dance."


It was over. I won but at what cost? Cedric is gone and Voldemort is back.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I looked at it was Draco. His father was there that night but he seemed like such a charming guy. We had so much fun at the ball and I was so happy to have him as my date.

"Well this is it Potter." He smirked.

"I guess so, it was really nice meeting you." I told him honestly. "Thank you for everything."

"It was my pleasure." He told me. He leaned in and kissed me square on the lips. I froze but then melted into the kiss. We kissed for a bit and when we pulled away, he smiled.

"Write to me yeah?"

"Yeah." I agreed and he disappeared towards the boat. I stared at where stood. It was one hell of a year. 

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