Malfoy's and Potter's (Scorbus)

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Scorpius' P.O.V

"We need to tell them Albus." I urged. "I mean, we can't hide it for much longer."

"Scorp, they're gonna be mad. Like really mad." He told me. I caressed his face and kissed his lips gently.

"Why would they be mad?" I asked. I pulled him into my lap and placed my chin on his head.

"I don't know. Maybe because we're rival families, or because we're both boys, or maybe it's the fact that we're only 16." He retorted and I sighed.

"Albus, they're gonna be mad about it, no doubt. But they both can't abandon us."

"I'm scared." He told me and I hugged him closer.

"I am too." I admitted. "But we'll have each other. You know that right? You'll always have me to lean on?"

"I know that." He whispered.

"Come, let's write a letter to them and explain we need to meet up."

"Okay." He nodded. We both got up and wrote letters to each of our parents explaining we need to meet up with them next Hogsmeade visit.

"Good?" I asked and he nodded. "Good."


"Potter." My father nodded his head towards Albus'.

"Malfoy." Albus' father nodded back. Both our mothers shared a smile. We got a private room in the Three Broomsticks.

"So son, what has you calling?" My father asked. I held Albus' hand and took a deep breath.

"Albus Potter and I are dating." I said and they all looked at us.

"Well we accept you." Mrs. Potter said. "Don't we Harry?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"We do too. If you prefer wizards, then that it is fine. However I have the feeling there is something more." My mother said.

"Yes." I gulped and his hand tightened in mine. "Albus and I are gonna have a baby." As soon as those words left my mouth, chaos erupted.

"WHAT?!" Albus' father yelled. "What do mean you're having a baby?! You're only 16!"

"Harry calm down." Albus' mum tried but Mr. Potter stood up and stormed over to us. Thankfully my father stepped in.

"Potter you need to settle down." He spoke calmly.
"What do you know Malfoy?" He spat. "Albus the press is gonna be all over this! My teenage son pregnant with his... his death eater's son boyfriend!" He yelled and we both flinched.

"Now listen here-!" My father started but much to everyone's surprise a small voice spoke up.

"Stop!" Albus yelled. "Dad if you can't accept anything about this that is your own fault. I don't give a shit if the prophet eats this up because that's not my worry. Scorpius and I are having a baby whether you like it or not." Albus told him father and met his eyes. "Now you've already been rude to not only to me but to my boyfriend and his family. If you can't accept me, I will find other means of accommodation."

"Albus-" I started but his mother cut me off.

"I will not allow that to happen. If your father is unhappy with this, he will be moving out."


"No Harry. Albus is my son and his child is my grandchild, if you do not wish to be a part of that that is your decision." She spoke and Albus was almost in tears.

"And we will support you two by all means." My mother said and father agreed. Mr. Potter was torn. He looked at us, then to my parents and then to his wife. She gave him a warning look but then smiled and nodded gently. He turned back to us and he nodded.

"I may not be happy about it but I will support you two too."

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