Secrets and Revelations (drarry)

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Dedicated to TheNinjaOfWind for the request!


            Harry Potter had a secret. A secret that he couldn't even tell his best friend Draco Malfoy? Why? Because it so happened to involve his best friend. What was his secret exactly?

            "I'm in love with Draco Malfoy." Harry said aloud to his mirror. It was the first time he said it out loud. It felt good to say it out loud but it wasn't satisficing enough.

            "Oi Potter, checking yourself out again?" Draco smirked walking into his best friend's room. Harry jumped and turned around just to watch Draco stride over to his bed and plop down.

            "D-did you hear anything I said?" Harry asked and Draco smirked.

            "Were you talking to yourself again? Can't get enough of your own voice can you Potter?" Draco chuckled as Harry blushed.

            "Oh shush Malfoy, we both know that you're the egotistical one out of all of us." Harry teased walking over to the bed and sat next to Draco. Draco smiled and touched his perfectly in place hair.

            "Oh how can I be egotistical if I do look this good?" Draco smiled and Harry rolled his eyes.  "So Potter, what's up with you and Granger? You two seem to be hanging out quite a bit. I reckoned you would have told me if anything was happening but I was hearing from Zabini that you two were seen snogging in the library." Draco told him and Harry made a face.

            "No. She and I were never snogging." Harry told him. "I don't even like her more than a friend."

            "Why's that? She seems pretty attractive."

            "Well it's just um... it's just that..." Harry trailed off and looked down nervously wringing his hands. Draco's finger brushed Harry's chin making him look up.

            "What Harry? You can tell me anything." Draco spoke softly and Harry just melted in those mercury caring eyes.

            "I'm gay." Harry told Draco who smiled softy.

            "I'm proud of you Harry." Draco said. "Do you like anyone?"

            "I um yeah."

            "That's great Harry. I'm sure he is great." Draco told him.

            "He's more than great." Harry gushed. "He's perfect. There's no other way to describe him." Harry told Draco who chuckled.

            "Sounds like you might love him."

            "Oh but I do love you Draco." Harry said and then his eyes widened at his admission. Draco stared in shock before breaking into a fit of laughter. "Why are you laughing?" Harry asked and Draco continued laughing. "Stop laughing." Harry told him and then his voice cracked. "Stop." Draco heard the strain in Harry's voice and stopped laughing immediately.  He saw the tears in Harry's eyes and he frowned.

            "Harry, don't cry."

            "I-I'm sorry." Harry sniffled. "I know you don't feel the same way but I-"

            "Harry, I was laughing because I do feel the same way. I love you so much and it just makes me happy that you feel the same way." Draco grinned and Harry blinked at him.

            "You feel the same way?" Harry asked and Draco pressed his lips against Harry's. Harry kissed back and when Draco swiped his tongue on his bottom lip, Harry couldn't help but let out a moan. Draco pulled away and smiled.

            "I do."

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