After War and Dances (Drarry)

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Part two of The Dumstrang and The Hogwarts champions. Dedicated to SelenaLinton for the request!

Third Person P.O.V

Harry Potter won. He won the war and every death eater, give or take, was taken away. In celebration of winning the war, there was a dance held in Harry Potter's honor. But Harry didn't want to take just anyone to the dance. He wanted to take his onetime lover Draco Malfoy from his fourth year. The pair had remained in touch over the course of the years but never actually met up again.

Harry was sat sulking at the dance. Everyone was dancing and having a good time but he just couldn't find it in him to have a good time. He wanted to take the cute blonde from before not anyone else.

"Care to dance?" He heard so his head snapped up. He recognized the blonde right away but he had grown into a very hot young adult.

"You came." Harry said dumbly and Draco laughed.

"Of course I did. I wouldn't miss another chance at seeing Harry Potter." He told the raven haired fellow. Harry stood up and grabbed Draco's outstretched hand.

"I've been thinking about you a lot." Harry told the blonde and then blushed at his admission. "I-I've missed you a lot." He admitted and Draco grinned. They started to dance slowly. "I've missed you too. You were my first kiss you know and I wouldn't have it any other way." He told the smaller boy. Harry smiled and kissed the blonde who reciprocated by kissing him back. When they pulled away, Harry smiled.

"You were my first too. And none of the kisses after that even compared." Harry told the blonde who couldn't resist and kissed Harry again. He put his forehead against Harry's.

"Will you go out with me?" Draco whispered into Harry's ear. Harry smiled away and kissed Draco again!

"I'd love to."

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