Relationships and Robe Shops (Drarry)

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Dedicated toWhatismylife1220 for the request! (It might be slightly different than what you asked for, I hope you enjoy it.)

Third Person P.O.V

They met in the robe shop when they were 11. Harriet Potter and Daria Malfoy. From then on they were inseparable best friends and soon lovers.

Age 11

Harriet approached her best friend's table with her hands behind her back as if she was hiding something.

"Oh Daria, guess what I got!" Harriet flashed her best friend a cheeky smile. The blonde rolled her silver eyes and grinned.

"What?" She asked.

"I got a new broom!" She took it from behind her back and showed her. Daria gasped and her jaw hit the ground.

"Yeah?" She marveled. "You reckon we can fly it sometime?"

"Sure but you gotta be in the back." Harriet laughed and Daria smirked.


Age 14

Harriet sat against a tree and sighed. Daria got her first boyfriend and it was none other than Blaise Zabini. She was heartbroken because she wanted to be hers. She had been feeling this way since she was 12 and it scared her.

"Why so lonesome?" Said a voice. Harriet looked up and it was Daria. She was alone and not with Blaise which was a rarity.

"Where's Blaise?" She asked.

"He got detention so he's there. I've been looking for you all over, someone told me they saw you here. Why aren't you with Hermione or Ron?" Daria asked and Harriet shrugged. Daria sat down next to her best friend. "Something is wrong." She pointed out.

"Something is."

"What is?" She asked and Harriet's eyes started to fill.

"Me." She told her best friend causing her to gasp.

"Don't say that! Nothing is wrong with you, why would you say that?!" She hissed bringing her friend into a hug.

"Because I like other girls." She whispered brokenly. When the blonde hugging her stilled, she let the tears fall.

"Shh hush angel." Daria told her best friend. "It's not bad. You're perfectly normal."

"B-but I-I don't think so." Daria started to rock her friend and pressed a gentle kiss to her head.

"So do you think I'm not normal?" Daria asked her friend.


"Do you think I'm not normal? I like girls too."

"But what about Blaise?" She asked looking up to her friend.

"I like both. I'm bi." She told her best friend. She wiped away her tears. "There's nothing wrong with that."

"The Dursley's-"

"Are filthy muggles that don't know shit. Don't dwell on it, just embrace it, alright?" She said defiantly. Harriet cracked a smile.


Age 17

Finally in their seventh year, after Blaise and Daria split, Harriet asked Daria out. She was hesitant but agreed. A ball was coming up so they agreed to go to that but Daria promised to pick up Harriet from the Gryffindor tower. And when she did, she was speechless.

"Merlin Daria, it's like you've never seen me in a dress before." Harriet teased. She was in a red strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline. It was simply a trumpet style showing the little curves she had.

"You're... gorgeous." Daria gasped. Harriet blushed and smiled.

"You looked better than me you dork." To Harriet it was true. Daria decided to wear an all-black tux with a silver bowtie. She told Harriet that it would match the dress she was wearing, after she asked the color, and it did. Daria didn't say anything, she just stuck out her elbow for Harriet to take it. When she did, they walked to the great hall for the dance.

They had their first kiss that night, one of many, and made it official. Daria felt so in love with her she felt stupid for not seeing it. Her love was right in front of her the entire time.

"God I'm gonna miss this school." Daria slung her arm around her girlfriend. Harriet giggled and kissed Daria's cheek.

"I am too. We have so many good memories here." She told Daria. Daria grew a smirk on her face.

"We do. And we're about to have another one." Ignoring her look of confusion, Daria looked her girlfriend in the eye.

"I know we're not ones for tradition but this is something we both deserve." She told her. She got on one knee and reveled a simple ring with one large diamond. "I know we've only been together for a bit over a year but you're my one true love, marry me?" She asked and Harriet promptly burst into tears. Without saying a word, she pulled Daria up into a standing position. She kissed her full on the lips answering her unanswered question. This time, Daria was not hesitant.

***For celebration of my 2K followers, I've decided to do something! Any guesses?***

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