Chapter 53

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Sorry it took SOOOOOO long but here it is! A few more chapters of this book and on to the sequel!

Katsuki's POV**

Izuku was on his knees and hands breathing through his nose and out of his mouth. The first nurse left a few minutes ago and another nurse came in a little after.

"Hello Midoryia. How are you feeling?"

"Peachy." Izuku groans, having another contraction.

"Sounds like it. Im going to be your labor and delivery nurse today. I'm going to check how dilated you are is that okay with you?" The nurse said calmly. Izuku nodded.

"Okay, I'm gonna have you lay on your back for checking then you can move freely in whatever way is comfortable."

I rush over and help Izuku flip himself over, trying to not panic even though I think I already am.

"Alright, you're going to feel some pressure as I check."

"Looks like you are 8cm. I'm gonna check you again in about an hour as see where you're at. I unfortunately can't give you the epidural at this point, but I can give you gas to inhale and some light pain meds."

"Damn it..." Izuku huffs.

"Sorry, I wish I could do more for you, but rules are rules."


4 hours went by of being at the hospital, many contractions, and pain. It was around eight or nine in morning. Izuku's and my mom were here, helping us both through the process. Words of encouragement and helping Izuku be as comfortable as he could.

"You're doing so good Zuku." I whispered, holding both of Izuku's hands allowing him to squeeze them as tightly as he needs.

He decided that being on all fours is the most comfortable position so he's mainly been like that.

"Fuck I can't- I feel like I need to push." Izuku huffs, going through another body shaking contraction as the delivery nurse checked him again.

"Well good news. You're at 10 cm so that means you are ready to push. Do you want family in here during delivery? I could have another nurse go to the cafe to get them?" The nurse asked.

"Fuck I just want them out!" Izuku hissed.


Izuku's POV**

The pain was almost unbearable at this point. Right as the nurse said I was ready I wanted to start.

Katsuki has been doing good with all of this. He's really been the one to keep me calm. Helping me keep my breathing right, rubbing my shoulders and back. Helping with the gas they gave that didn't really help too much.

I probably broke his hands from squeezing them so hard...

"Alright, next contraction I want you to push. When I tell you to stop you have to stop, I don't want you to tear."

I nodded. 30 seconds later, I felt a big contraction and started pushing. It was painful without the epidural but I can get through this. I've literally broken every bone in my body at least once during UA. I can do this.

I pushed for 15 seconds before the nurse told me to breathe.

"You're doing great baby. Just keep squeezing my hands, breathe." Katsuki soft voice whispered in my ear as I rest my head on his shoulder. I could feel the sweat dripping off my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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