Chapter 9

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Izuku's POV**

*alarm going off at 7am*

"Students, the villain that escaped from prison yesterday afternoon is now arrested. Everyone enjoy your Sunday."

I groaned, sitting up from a bed. I looked around having no idea where I was. I was covered in clothes, not my clothes. This isn't my room. It smells like...

"Mornin' Omega~" Kacchan grinned, stepping into his room.

Memories from yesterday afternoon came rushing back. I remember confronting Kacchan, the lock down alarms going off and him saying why he bullied me. He said there was another reason that he bullied me but I didn't catch it. After that it was a fog. I looked around my surroundings. I was in I'm assuming Kacchans room in a pile of his clothes.

"Shit I-I went into H-heat?"


"Did we..."

"No, that's why you nested, well I mean we did things but not that, I took supplements so I wouldn't go into rut."

"Ah. I remember bits and pieces after you told me the reason you bullied me. What was the other reason Kacchan?"

"I....I have feelings for you. I have since middle school....I was scared that once I told you you wouldn't want to be near me anymore. I understand if you don't feel the-"

I moved forward grabbing the sides of his face and pressing my lips into his. He exhaled through his nose, relaxing and resting his hand on my side. I pulled away, hands still on his face.

"I've liked you too. For a long time..." I blush.

"I'm so sorry for being a dick to you through high school, I really am. I shouldn't have listened to my shitty friends. Your not worthless Izuku. You never were and never will be."

"I forgive you Kacchan."

"Would you be my boyfriend? I want to court you...." He asked, biting his lip.

"Yes." I didn't think twice. I was so happy.

He smiled before tackling me into a hug. He pressed his soft lips into mine again. I giggle, sitting back up.

"So...what did we exactly do?" I twirled my fingers together.

"Well um...I fingered you and then you sucked my dick."

"Oh my god." I cover my face in embarrassment.

"It was really good I promise you, best I've ever had." He smirks.

"Kacchan! Don't say thattttt!"

"It's true, you got quite the mouth. You wanted to please your Alpha~" He teased.

I grabbed one of his pillows playfully hitting him with it.

"I probably should go back to my dorm, Denki is probably worried."

"Yeah your probably right."

"A-are we keeping us a secret?" I asked.

"I mean, if that's what you want..." He seemed disappointed.

"No, I just don't know how people are gonna react."

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