Chapter 40

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Katsuki's POV**

It's been a week and a couple days since I found out Izuku was pregnant. I've noticed I've been more protective over him lately which I get. I need to protect my omega and our pups.

We made an appointment for an ultrasound with recovery girl a couple days ago for today. She was very excited for us.

Izuku has had really bad morning sickness the past couple of days as well. At the moment I was helping him while he threw up breakfast. After he was done he sat back.

"Ugh, this is the worst."

"I know baby but when you get into your 2nd trimester it should dial down."

"Mm, we need to get to the appointment."

"Right, are you excited to see how many we are having today?" I asked helping him up off the floor.

"I am yes." He smiled placing his hand on his stomach.

We left the dorm saying hi and bye to Denki and headed to recovery girls office. Once we got there she had everything set up.

"Don't worry, you guys are my only appointment today." She smiled, "Midoryia, you can lay on the table."

Izuku listened, laying down on the bed.

"Alright, I'm gonna lift your shirt okay?" Recovery girl said so Izuku's Omegan side doesn't freak out.

"How far along are you?" She asked getting the machine ready.

"I'm just over ten weeks."

"Alright. Well as you know today we will see how many pups you are having, you'll have to come back in a month to find out gender."

Izuku squeezed the hand he was holding. Recovery girl grabbed the transducer and the machine was hooked up.

"Alright, I'm going to put some gel on your stomach, it's going to be cold just warning you."

Recovery girl squeezed gel on Izuku's little bump that was just starting to show. We all looked at the screen that shows his uterus.


"How many?" Izuku gulped.

"Looks like there's two sacks. Your having twins. Congratulations." She smiled at us.

"Oh thank god it wasn't more then two." Izuku giggled.

"So this is baby A's heart beat." She turned on the mic so we could hear it.

"It's so fast." I whispered, trying not to tear up.

"Yup, that's normal. And baby B's heart beat as well."

"So they are healthy?"

"Seems so. They are a good size for how far a long you are, their hearts sound good. All you have to do is keep from strenuous activities and everything will go well." She explained.

"Thank you. I'm so glad." Izuku started to cry silently.

"No problem. If you have any questions or concerns you can come to me."

"Thank you." We said.

Recovery girl cleaned the gel off Izuku and left for a moment then came back with a little envelope.

"This is the photos of your first ultrasound. Thought you'd want them." She said handing it to Izuku.

"Yes, Thank you!"
Izuku's POV**

Kacchan and I left recovery girls office and went back to his dorm. Of course Kirishima and Denki were there. Denki was waiting on us to get back because he wanted to know how many pups we are having.

"Hey guys-"

"So!? How many!?" Denki said excited as fuck.

I laughed, opening the envelope with the ultrasound pictures. I handed it to Denki and Kirishima came over to look as well.

"We are having twins."

"So, when is the baby shower?"

"So we talked about it and when we have the next ultrasound in 4 weeks we should know the genders but I'm going to have Recovery girl put it in an envelope because we want it to be a surprise. This weekend we are going to our parents to tell them we are pregnant and invite them to the shower. We aren't telling anyone we are having twins that will be a surprise too. After we tell our parents we are going to announce to the class I'm pregnant and the date for the shower. I want you two to do the reveal and shower planning..."

"It's an honor! We will make sure this baby shower is the best!" Denki cheered.

"Thank you guys!"

"You hungry Zuku?" Kacchan asked me.

"Yes! I've been hungry for the past 10 weeks!" I groaned.

Kacchan laughs, "I mean you feeding you and two others. What sounds good?"

"Spicy ramen..." I blushed.

"Wow Bakugo those are definitely your pups. Zuku doesn't usually like spicy food."

"Hell yeah they are." Kacchan's grinned as he walked into the kitchen to make me food.

"I'm gonna call my mom and say we are coming home this weekend and too invite your parents."

"Just my mom is fine." Kacchan mumbled.

I looked at him confused, "You don't want your father to know his going to be a grandpa?"

"Remember the whole fight about marking? He hate the fact you marked me now we are having pups, I don't know how he is going to react that's all."

"Well, I think we should tell him. Even if he is upset."

"Okay, if that's what you want baby." He smiled at me while putting the ramen into a bowl. The ramen smelled amazing!

"Thank you Kacchan." I smiled.

"Anything for you and the babies."

I hummed happily as he kissed my forehead. I started digging in to the spicy noodles that I oddly enjoyed. As I was eating I called my mother.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey Izuku, how's it going?"

"Good. Just wanted to let you know Katsuki and I are coming home this weekend. We would like to have dinner together again if that's alright with you."

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just wanted to spend some time with you guys. His parents and you."

"Okay well I don't think that will be a problem. I'll talk to Mitsuki and get back to you."

"Okay thank you mom! See this weekend!"

I hung up the phone and continued devouring the spicy noodles.

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