Chapter 51

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Katsuki's POV**

Izuku and I have been in our house for 3 weeks, Denki dropped off food while I was present enough. Izuku came to more frequently as the days went on. The first couple of days he was purely acting on instinct. By the 7th day he was becoming more aware.

"Kacchan?" Izuku sleepily rubbed his eyes, waking up from his nap and waddling into the kitchen.

"Afternoon baby. How are you feeling?" I asked putting knife down on the cutting board.

"Ugh, big, round and ready to be done." Izuku groaned walking up to me. His arms spread high wanting a hug.

"You are almost done. Recovery girl came by while you were sleeping, she said with twins it could come anytime now. She said she wouldn't be surprised if they came a few weeks early."

"Ugh that would be nice. It's like they are rolling around and fist fighting in here."

I chuckled, "Knowing us, I wouldn't be surprised."

"What are you making?" Izuku asked.

"Dinner for us and our parents. They are coming over shortly, they haven't seen us for a while now."

"Sounds good.. ughhh..." Izuku whined.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. One of them just kicked me really hard. Probably trying to get some space. It's been happening for the past couple hours."

"We'll go lay back down. I'll come get you when our parents arrive."

Izuku nodded and slowly made his way back to his nest.

Izuku's POV**

"Zuku, our parents are here." Kacchan said opening the door to the nursery.

"Alright, help me up."

"Zuku darling!" My mom shouted running over while we walked into the dinning room.

"Hi mom." I smiled.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Has Kats been taking good care of you?" She starts panicking for no reason.

I laugh softly, "Everything is fine mom. And yes he has been."

"That's good. If I heard he hasn't been I was ready to punch him up side the head." Auntie responded.

"Of course I've been talking good care of him old hag!!!" Kacchan yelled.

"Alright settle down you two. Let's have a nice meal that Katsuki took time on making today." His dad pitched in.

I nodded agreeing and we all sat at the table and started to enjoy the food.

"Oh, Zuku, Denki will be coming by tomorrow to hang out for a little. Thought you'd want another Omega around for a bit."

"Yes, that's sounds nice! I haven't seen Denki is awhile. Not when I was fully coherent at least."

"So do you guys have names picked out?"

"Yes we do. Though we won't be telling anyone, including you guys until they are born. That's what Zuku and I decided."

"Aww." Auntie pouted, making me laugh.

"Do you guys have your hospital bags made?" His dad asked.

"Of course we do, Kacchan prepared them the second I started my last trimester." I giggled. My mom looking at Kacchan weirdly.

"What! It's better having things prepared sooner than panicking the last second!" Kacchan defends himself.

"Well I will tell ya, you will probably panic anyways." Auntie laughed, "I remember your dad running around like a chicken with his head cut off when you decided to come a week early." She said pointed at Kacchan.

"Hey! You were way too calm when your water broke! I didn't know how to act!"


The dinner was nice as always. Around 8pm our parents left and I was already ready for bed.

"Goodnight you two! We will see you soon!"

"Goodbye mom, auntie, and uncle." I smiled giving them all hugs as the got ready to leave.

"Bye. I'll keep you guys in the loop." Kacchan added.

Once they left I went back into the nursery, throwing on one of Kacchan's large T- shirts because mine aren't fitting anymore, and laid down in the nest.

Kacchan came in a little later, after making sure the kitchen was cleaned up. He smiled at me.

"What?" I asked, confused on why he was staring.

"You are just so adorable." He sighed shaking his head.

He took his shirt and pants off and climbed in the nest next to me.

"Are we going to sleep in our bed at a point?" Kacchan joked.

"Of course, but right now I want to nest and once the babies are born we are going to sleep in here still for a couple of months before we start putting them in their cribs."

"I know, It's just different."

"For an Alpha I get it. They aren't ones to nest nor stay in nests for weeks at a time. But this is my comfy spot. Your free to go to our room and sleep-"

"No. I'm staying with you." Kacchan hummed, pulling me closer to him.

I smiled. "Good. I would be a little sad if you left the nest." I snuggled into his chest and slowly fell asleep.


Around 5am I awoke with a cramping feeling in my stomach. I sat up, not waking Kacchan. This would happen a lot in the past couple of weeks. It should die down in a few minutes.

I have to pee. I slowly got myself up and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the light and did my business. After I finished I leaned on the sink, taking a few deep breathes as the cramps intensified.

I should probably go lay back down. It's probably because I'm standing.

I turned the light off in the bathroom and made my way back to the nest. I opened the nursery door and took a few steps before I paused.

I felt something wet trail down my thighs, down to the floor.

Stress pheromones flew out of me so fast it awoke Kacchan. He sat up quickly not feeling me next to him.

I looked over at him.

"K-Kacchan...." I mumbled.

"My water just broke..."


Next chapter things will start moving 🤣 only a few chapters in this book before I move over to the sequel :)

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