Chapter 52

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I would like to clarify before you read the next few chapters, I have never been in labor but also aware it doesn't usually happen fast but for the sake of the story not take six chapters of him going through labor, I'm shorting a bit and probably will be very incorrect on how things actually go. Enjoy XD

Katsuki's POV**

I woke up to sensing a lot of Izuku's distress pheromones. I sat up quickly, seeing him standing close to the door with a puddle under him.

"K-Kacchan.." He whispered, looking down at the floor, realizing what's happening.

"My water just broke."

Panic immediately took over my body as I sprung out of the nest.

"Really? Fuck. Now? It's happening right now?! You're only 35 weeks! It's too early! We aren't prepared! We should still have a few more weeks."

Izuku let out a laugh, immediately followed by him holding his stomach like he was in pain. A contraction.

"It's not that early Kacchan. And the doctor said it's possible, have them a week or two earlier because they are twins."

"Shit! Do you need me to carry you? Crap. I need to grab the bags. Should I call our parents? Fuck, are you okay?"

Izuku let out another laugh, "Now who's mumbling! Yes I'm fine Kacchan. I can walk to the front door if you want to grab the bags and get them in the car. I will call our parents in the car on the way. Just breathe."

I nodded, walking past him to grab the bags that were in the living room. I ran quickly to the car to start it up. I got back in a hurry to help Izuku to the car.

As we were walking slowly to the front door he had another contraction.

"Shit ugh!" He gritted his teeth. This is worse than the cramps he's been having the past couple of weeks.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Motherfu- I'm alright. Just hurts like hell."  He already felt out of breath.

"How long between the contractions?" I asked finally gettigg n us out the front door to the car.

"About 10 minutes."

I get Izuku to the passenger seat and rush around the drivers seat and start the car. Izuku is breathing heavier than he was when his water first broke.

We both started rushing to the hospital. Izuku attempts to call his mother and auntie.


"H-hey mom, sorry I probably woke you." He winced.

"Hey Izuku what's going on?"

"Kacchan and I are on our way to the hospital. My water broke about 20 minutes ago."

"Oh! They are coming early! I'll be on my way, would you like me to call Mitsuki?"

"That would be great."

"Alright sweetheart. Remember to breathe, we will be there as soon as we can. How far apart are your contractions."

Izuku breathed out, "About 10 minutes right now."

"That's good. How far away from the hospital are you?"

"Well Kacchan is driving a little fast so we will probably be there in 5 minutes."

"Alright. Tell Katsuki to breathe too, I know he's probably panicking."

"I heard that! And I'm not panicking thank you!"

Izuku let out a small chuckle. "He's panicking a little bit but he won't say it. We are around the corner from the hospital so I'll see you soon mom."

"See you soon honey! Can't wait to see the little beans!"

Izuku smiled, "Me too."

Izuku's POV**

We pulled into the hospital, getting a close spot.

"Gonna grab a nurse and you a wheel chair."

"I don't need a- mother fucker! Okay yeah wheel chair." I huffed, feeling another contraction. 7 minutes apart.

Kacchan rushed into the front of the hospital like his life depended on it and came back a few minutes later with a wheel chair and a nurse by his side.

"Hello Mr. Midoryia, I'll be one of your nurses tonight. My name is Ms. Tong. How are those contractions?" She asks while helping me into the wheel chair.

"They hurt." I hiss in pain as I sit down, having another contraction. 5 minutes.

"Alright, Mr. Bakugo mentioned you are 35 weeks with twins?" I nodded through the pain, taking a breath.

"Alright, sounds like they are coming a few weeks early but that's pretty normal for twins. We will get you into a room and see how dilated you are. Then we can see if we can give you pain meds."

"If?" I looked at her, stress and fear overwhelming me as we make it through the front door of the hospital. Kacchan holding my hand for me to squeeze if needed.

"Well if you are too far dilated we can't give any pain meds. How many minutes between your contractions and how long do they last?"

"It's about every 5 minutes now. Last about a minute." I tell her as we get to a room. All she did was nod in response.

The room was nice. There was many options for me for labor. A chair, bed, a place to nest for omegas.

"Alright. This is your room. Do you have a place you'd like to be?"

"Nest please."

The nurse nodded.

"Will you help me get him over there, father to be?" The nurse asked with a light smile.

"Yeah, sure whatever he needs." Kacchan said without skipping a beat. I let out a shaky laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"You're panicking." I grin.

"Damn right I'm panicking! This is all happening so fast." He grunts, "My father was right how are you so calm?!"

"It's kinda hard to focus on anything but breathing."

"It's very normal for the Alpha to be panicky. They want to help their Omega as much as they can but in a labor setting. It's like they don't know what to do fully." The nurse whispers in my ear.

Kacchan helped the nurse lift me from the chair right as another contraction hit. I curled over in pain, yelping. Kacchan's Alpha immediately released calming pheromones without him even thinking.

"Shit." I hissed, taking steps to the nesting area.

"Almost there, you're doing good baby." Kacchan spoke words of encouragement, which is weird for him to say the least.

I got down on my hands and knees, which felt so much better than standing or sitting normally. I took a deep breath in and out.

"Alright, another nurse will be in in a few minutes to check dilation and see if we can give you pain meds. For now just relax and breathe."

I nodded, taking another deep breath in and out before letting out a cry, gripping onto Kacchan's arm for dear life, probably stabbing him with my nails.

Another contraction rips through my body, this one also containing sharp kicks. Fuck this is gonna be hard.


Next chapter soon! Sorry it took so long with this one!

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