Chapter 31

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Katsuki's POV**

I woke early in the morning, it was Monday meaning we had to get ready for class. I shook Izuku lightly trying to wake him. He groans rolling away from me. I laugh before turning him over and giving him a kiss. He wakes up and kisses me back.

"Morning, My Omega~" I smirked, winking at him.

"Ugh, everything hurtssss." He whines.

"Mmhm, we'll we did kinda go feral. We went at each other pretty hard."

Izuku laughs sitting up and winces, "No you went hard on me."

"I don't knowww, my neck kinda hurts." I grin jokingly.

Izuku giggles, playfully slapping me, "I could say the same, along with my legs and bottom."

"We should probably go though, I can grab you some pain killers if you'd like."

"Yeah that would be nice."

**In Class**

Izuku and I walked in hand in hand. I didn't want to let him go, luckily he sits right in front of me.

Denki and Kirishima walked up to us awkwardly. We all looked at each other in silence before busting out laughing.

"What a night." Kirishima started.

"Yeah Jesus, made all of us go haywire Denki."

"Hey! It's not my fault the suppressants messed with my cycle. I'm glad it only lasted the night."

"Let's just not bring it up again."

"What are you guys not bringing up again?" Mina said walking up with Momo, Ochaco, Tsu, and Tenya.

"Oh nothing...." Denki chuckles awkwardly.

Izuku turns and looks at me and smiles. Our whole friend group gasped in unison.

"Bakugo! You finally marked Zuku?" Ochaco squealed making Izuku best red.

"Yeah, look check it out, we are matching." I said showing them the mark Izuku left on me.

The girls squealed, "OMG YOU MARKED EACH OTHER THATS SO SPECIAL!" Mina shouted

"Yeah, but isn't that uncommon? You know, Omegas marking Alpha's?" Ochaco questioned.

"Yeah, most of the time Alphas don't allow their Omegas to mark them because that means they wouldn't be able to mark another Omega."

"I wanna see! I've never seen an Omegan mark before!" Denki said moving closer to me.

When Denki was a foot in front of me we heard a low growl, and it wasn't me. All eyes turned to Izuku who was barring his teeth, pupils dilalated.

"Zuku?" I cooed, releasing calming Pheromones, but it was no use.

Denki stepped back another foot away from me and Izuku stopped. Shaking his head out of confusion.

"The fuck was that?" Izuku asked.

"It's because you marked Bakugo," Midnight started walking into the classroom.

"Denki is an Omega and when he got to close to Bakugo you growled and warned him to step away from what's yours. If he didn't step back you would have tried to kill him." Midnight finished.

"So, every time an Omega gets close to Kacchan I'm gonna growl and almost attack them from now on?" Izuku asked, nervous.

"Not exactly. Other Alpha's, and Omega's in this case, can bite over the mark until said mark fully heals, making the marked Alpha or Omega more protective of their other half until then. Usually only takes a week. Until then, everyone needs to stay a couple feet away from you guys while together. Katsuki will try to attack other Alphas, even friends, and Midoryia, you will go after any Omega that gets too physically close to Bakugo." Midnight stated.

"What about Beta's?" Izuku asked, knowing that half his friends are betas.

"You shouldn't react to Beta's getting close to either of you, same for if another Alpha gets close to your Alpha and if Omega gets close to you. Just be careful. No patrols for a week either."

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright. Everyone get to your seats. Hawks and I will be running class today."

Hawks walks in right after she said that.

"Why is Mr. Aizawa out?" Tenya asked.

"Well his Alpha went into rut so he's helping him out and also he has to pick up his daughter from preschool."




"Whoa whoa whoa, has he not told you anything about himself?"

"No not at all, he says it's 'none of our business'." Mina rolled her eyes.

"Well you've been students for 10 months now, so I'm gonna tell you anyways." Hawks smirked.

"Won't he be mad?" Sero questioned.

Midnight shrugged, "It's not like it's a secret, well not a secret to anyone but his class apparently."

"Aizawa is a marked male Omega, his Alpha is Present Mic." Hawks started.

"Called it." I grinned.

"His daughter is 4 years old, her name is Eri."

"Biological or Adopted?"


"So Present Mic and him had a baby?"

"Well no, not yet anyways. Eri belongs to another Alpha. When he found out Aizawa was pregnant he left. Present Mic helped him through his pregnancy and one thing lead to another and now they are mates. Present Mic treats Eri as his own, Eri knows that he is not her biological father but Present Mic is her dad in her eyes. That's the only dad she's known."

"I want to meet her!"

"Yes! She's probably so cute!"

Midnight laughs, "When he is ready I'm sure Aizawa would be happy to bring her in."

"Alright changing the subject. Summer break is coming up, any plans for the couple weeks?"

(I know normal summers are longer but for this story they get multiple 1-2 week breaks through the year)

"I'm planning on getting more patrol hours in." Tenya said.

"I'm going to America for vacation." Momo spoke.

"Your gonna bring your girlfriend right?" Ochaco joked.

"Of course babe."

"I'm gonna pick up mad chicks." Mineta grins.

"Yeah I doubt that." Mina laughed.

"I have no plans at the moment, probably something with Denki." Kirishima smiles.

I looked over at Izuku and he was looking at me. I give him a soft smile.

"Yeah, I'll probably be with my Omega all summer. We live pretty close." I wink at Izuku making him blush red.

"Eekkk! You saying your Omega is adorable!" Mina squealed.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever pinky."

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