Chapter 47

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Sorry for the wait! I worked on it little by little when I could! Another chapter should be out soon :)
Izuku's POV**

I'm 22 weeks along and today is the baby shower! I'm so excited! Kacchan is too but he is trying to hide it. My whole class helped get everything together, along with our teachers.

Rarely do U.A students have kids while in school, though it's very normal at this age to have pups.

"Zukuuuuu!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see my mother and Kacchans parents.

"Hi! Glad you could make it!" I went over to hug them.

"My gosh Izuku! Your showing so much now! What are you at again? 26 weeks?" Kacchans mom asked.

Kacchan walked up behind me giving me a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arm around me.

Kacchan walked up behind me giving me a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arm around me

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"Only 22 weeks." Kacchan grinned at his mother.

Both my mom and his mouths dropped in surprise.

"Really? Your only a little over half way?"

I giggled, "Yeah. The twins are pretty big."

"That's Katsuki's fault. Bakugos are big babies."

I gulped. Geez, birthing them is gonna be a bitch huh?

"So what do you think they are going to be?" My mother asked us.

"I'm thinking it's two boys." Kacchan said.

"As long as they are healthy I don't care what we have." I smiled, rubbing my bump.

"Alright everyone! Time for some games! We have a few and then we will do the reveal!" Denki yelled through the room.

"First game is folded diaper changing! We have some baby dolls lined up and we are going to see who can do it correctly the fastest! We will be doing 3 rounds!"

Everyone lined up, Aizawa was the one watching with the timer so the whole class could participate. Even our parents joined in.

"Hey no fair! They have had a kid so they have an advantage!" Denki pouted.

Auntie and my mother laughed, "Well we haven't changed diapers in what 20 years? And we will be blind folded."

Once everyone was blonde folded Aizawa started the timer.


We all removed our blind folds. Kacchan won the first round. Don't know why but that's hot... He did it in 30 seconds.

I was close, Denki had the diaper on the babies head making the class break out in laughter.

"Remind me to not allow you to baby sit." I giggled, making Denki pout.

"Hey! I couldn't see!"

"Well we couldn't either but at least most of our diapers are in the right spot!"

"Alright, Bakugo you won the first round so your going to sit out now. Ready for the second round everyone?"
Katsuki's POV**

They played another two rounds. Deku's mom won the next one, then Lida won the last round. Deku was close both times but wasn't fast enough. Though he did it perfect each time.

We played a few simple games like baby food taste test, and a game where you have a chop stick in your mouth and you have to pick up three pacifiers without your hands. Deku was really good at that one.

"Alright everyone!" Denki started, "Time for what you all been waiting for! The gender reveal!"

My heart started pounding in my chest. I was so excited to know what's cooking in my Omegas tummy. From research, a male Omega don't usually produce female babies. It's a slim chance, that's why I'm thinking it's two boys.

Deku decided to do two umbrellas with colored petals in them. Kirishima put the genders in each one and tied them. We open the umbrella over us and the color petals will fall showing the gender.

"Come on Kacchan!" Deku said excitingly, going to the front of the room. Everyone followed and crowded in. Momo had a camera ready.

One Umbrella was marked baby A and the other baby B. Deku and I both grabbed the handle and faced each other. I gulped, my heart was beating and my hands were sweaty. I was trying not to freak out like this.

"Ready?" Deku whispered.

I nodded giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Okay! Baby A is first! Boy or girl?"

Everyone shouted what they thought it would be making Deku and I both chuckle happily. Our whole class was just as excited for us.

"Three! Two! One!"

Deku and I opened the umbrella, petals fell down softly over us.

"It's a boy!"

I grinned from ear to ear seeing my Omega jump for joy, tears streaming his face. I brought him in giving him a light squeeze.

We took a break to calm Deku down, he was so happy he was a sobbing mess. The second reveal would probably have him on the floor as a sobbing happy mess if we didn't.

"Are you okay lovely?" I whispered in his eye as he wiped his tears.

"Yeah, just very emotional right now, hormones and stuff I guess."

"I get it, I'm very excited too, are you ready to see what baby B is going to be?" I asked, he nodded excitedly.


I picked up the next umbrella, gathering every time around again. Momo was ready with her camera.

"Alright, we are ready for baby B. What do you guys think it's going to be?" I asked, hearing everyone say boy or girl.

Like we did the first umbrella we lifted it over our heads. My hands were trembling with excitement. I smiled at Deku, trying to keep him calm.




We opened the umbrella, petals fell from it. I was shocked.

"It's a girl!"

I swung Deku is happiness, "A girl! I can't believe it!" Deku cheered.

Having a girl is close to a 1% chance for a male Omega.

The class cheered, yelling congratulations to us.

One of each, a boy and a girl...

"Alright! Next is baby gifts!"


I did my best, I hope you enjoyed! I might go back and edit it later! Thanks for your patience! Xx

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