Chapter 36

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Izuku's POV**

The past couple of months consisted of patrols. It's been 2 months since summer break.

I walked down the dark alley way alone, downtown, in the middle of the night. My breathing was heavy as I walked. As an Omega this was a very scary situation. My team accidentally got separated, and our intercoms have also been breaking up for some reason.

"Kacchan, Todoroki, Ochaco, can anyone hear me?" I spoke into my mic but I got no response. I sighed and continued with the patrol.

After a couple of minutes I heard footsteps approaching me. I stopped walking.

"Hello? Who's there?" I asked, turning around, my voice echoing through the alley, praying that it was one of my squad members.

Suddenly I was grabbed, "MMMFHH."

My mouth was covered up so I couldn't call for help. Two Alphas grabbed me, one grabbing my arms and mouth while the other grabbed my legs. I struggled, making one of the Alphas poke me with a needle, making me feel extremely weak.

They threw me in the back of a white van, tying my arms behind my back and duck taping my mouth. They closed the doors and started to drive off. My vision started to blur and slumped onto my back, not being able to hold myself up anymore.

After what felt like hours, I heard the van turn off and foot steps come around to the back. As the doors opened, I tried to look up at the Alphas, but my eyes were droopy.

"What a pretty little Omega we have here. The boss is gonna make a fortune of this male omega."

"God, I want to buy him for myself." One said, biting his bottom lip.

"Maybe the boss will let you have you way with him before selling."

The last thing I heard was the two Alphas laughing before I passed out.
Katsuki's POV**

"Anyone hear me?" I asked into my intercom.

I've been trying to get a hold of my team for an hour. We were separated from each other. I heard movement in front of me. I rushed over to see what it was.


"Jesus you scared the shit out of me. Well I guess it could be worse, you could have been a villain and attacked me." He smirked.

"I mean, I'm not a villian but I could attack you." I hissed.

"Guys! There you are! Have either of you heard Deku?" Ochaco asked rushing up to us.

"No, the intercoms have been out of wack. Don't know what's going on with them."

A few seconds later our intercoms finally picked something up.


Was all we heard, then some rustling and talking we couldn't make out.

"Deku? Is that you?" I asked through the intercom.

There was more rustling and doors closing.


Panic started to set in. Angry pheromones flowing through the street.

"Bakugo, you have to calm down-"

"NO. I need to find my Omega. Now!" I growled, my eyes pinning with anger.

Icyhot and pink cheeks both nodded, assuring me that they would help.

"Okay, I'll get a hold of our teachers, seems like the cons are working but Deku's is off. We might need to get pros involved if this is a kidnapping." Pink cheeks said, floating back to the school quickly.

"I'll search with you." Icy hot said.

This is the first time and only time I am okay with any help from Icyhot. I nodded, a low growl coming from my throat. We both sped off into the air, looking for a suspicious vehicle.

My nerve were getting to me. Who took him? What are they going to do to him? Can we get to him in time.

I turned into a dark alley about the same time a white van sped off. He has to be in there, I can feel it. Icyhot landed next to me.

"We need to follow that white van. Let pink cheeks know we found them."

I moved to the roof tops, running and jumping to keep up with the van. After twenty minutes the van stopped at a warehouse. I ducked behind a tree, watching as two men got out and walked around to the back. They pulled a small male out of the back. Izuku.

I wanted to rush in and grab him but five more people came out. Icyhot grabbed my shoulder, knowing how badly I wanted to rush in.

"We have to wait for back up or we will get caught and who knows what they would do to us. It would be two against seven, or even more. I'm assuming this is Omegan trafficking."

Those words made my blood boil.

"Well well well, look what we have here." A deep voice spoke behind us. Fuck.

A dart hit me and Icyhot in the neck making us go unconscious.
Ochaco's POV** (short)

I rushed into U.A. and finally reached All Might and Mr. Aizawa.

"Izuku *pant* dark alley *pant* taken *pant*."

"Whoa whoa breath. What happened?"

"Izuku was taken, Todoroki and Bakugo are following the van that took him."

"Okay, I'll track them. The intercoms should show us their location."

"I would call in some pros too, we think it's Omegan trafficking."

Mr. Aizawa tightened up a little bit.

"Okay, Ochaco you did good, let us handle the rest, we already have one student in danger and two others in possible danger. Stay here."

"Okay. Please bring them back in one piece."

"That's the plan."
Trafficker POV** (short)

"Hopefully the boss will be happy with this one."

"I bet he will. He might even keep this one for himself. He likes small male Omega's and this one is super cute and will make cute pups."

"Yeah, Hopefully we get a raise for this one."

We pulled the unconscious Omega into a small room, tossing him onto a small bed.

"The boss will come for you soon."

"Men! We found two Alphas wondering around the building. Ask the boss what you want to do with them."

"Shit, wonder if they were looking for the greenette."

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