Chapter 49

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Katsuki's POV**

The last appointment at 25 weeks went great. They are healthy and growing beautifully. We when got more pictures. I sat on the bed smiling, looking at the one I decided to keep in my wallet.


My body launched upright with the speed of light, hearing Izuku from the living room yell my name. My actual name. Something must be wrong.

"KATSUKI!" I hear the yell again as I jog down the hallway.

"What's wron-WAHH!" I shouted as I turn the corner to our living room and trip over a few boxes, making Izuku laugh hysterically.

"Everything okay Zuku? The babies okay? Do you need anything?" I panic slightly, walking over to him.

He was comfy on the couch, covered in blankets with a bucket of popcorn, watching movies. It was a rainy day and he's on leave because you can't do hero work while 28 weeks pregnant.

He giggled, "Yes I'm fine. Come sit next to me real quick."

I looked at him questionably but sat down next to him. He then grabbed my hand and set it on his baby bump. My hand rested there for a moment, Izuku's hand placed on top of mine, not saying anything just looking at me.

Suddenly a felt a quick movement. My eyes widened, "W-was...was that a kick?"

Izuku smiled from ear to ear and nodded.

"Holy shit."

"Yeah. Strong one."

"Does it hurt?"

Izuku shrugged, "Not really, it's uncomfortable but doesn't exactly hurt. It actually spooked me until I realized what it was."

It happened again making him jump. I hummed happily, rubbing my hand over his bump. My inner Alpha taking pride of how strong our pups have been getting,

Another strong kick and Izuku jumped again.

"Oof. That was from baby B, a little harder then baby A's kick. Gets it from you."

There was a knock at the door interrupting. "Come in!" I shouted.

Denki and Kirishima walked in with a few things in there hands.

"What's all that?"

"We got a few things for Izuku. He's coming up to his third trimester and Omegas will start hard core nesting. We got him some blankets and some baby stuff for the nursery." Denki smiled.

"Thank you guys! You didn't have to do that! You guys have already been a big help." Izuku awwed.

"It's no problem. Anyways, what's Bakugo doing?" Denki asked, seeing me coo and rub my face against Izuku's baby bump.

Izuku laughed, "Babies started kicking for the first time. Kacchans Alpha is having a hay day." He joked.

"I wanna feel!" Denki squealed trying to walk over before Kacchan glared and growled at him. Denki put his hands up in defense.

"Maybe a different time." I laughed nervously.

"Aww fine. We are gonna go put the bags in the nursery for you and you can go through it when Bakugo lets you up." 

"Might be a second."
Izuku's POV**

After about 15 minutes of Kacchan scenting me and rubbing his face on the baby bump he finally let me up. I reached my hands out for help getting off the couch. Denki grabbed one hand and Kacchan the other.

I sigh in relief, "Thank you. It's hard to get up from the couch these days."

I waddle my way to the nursery that was already partially set up thanks to Kacchan. We decided to do a light yellow theme instead of doing half pink and half blue.

Momo and Ochaco came over and painted cute ducklings on the walls along with some yellow flowers.

We had two white cribs placed next to each other, two white wooden wardrobes still needing to be filled with the clothes we got from the baby shower and a baby changing station set up. We have a few bottles and binkies but we would need to get some more, and three large boxes of diapers.

We also made a area for my nest. When I get to about 30 weeks in I will start to nest and not want to leave my nest. Also be very protective of the nest. Kacchan will be protective and possibly become feral if any Alpha gets around me during that time.

Because of that, everyone is aware of this so we've had a lot of our friends drop in this past week for last minute things before they barely can step foot in the house.

I grabbed one of the bags Denki and Kirishima brought in and started looking at the cute things they got. They brought me some more pillows and blankets for my nest if I want them along with more baby bottles.

"Thank you guys!" I beamed, trying not to let the happy tears flood over. Denki came over and gave me a quick hug making me burst in tears. Damn hormones.

Kacchan let out a throaty growl as a warning. Denki didn't mind, knowing the Alpha wouldn't do anything. The suppressants he's been taking to keep from having a rut has made him dial down a little.

"No problem Izuku. Don't cry."

"S-sorry! Hormones!"

Denki stepped back hearing Kacchan alpha start to whine, seeing his Omega in distress. Kacchan came over, wrapping his arms around me and started nuzzling his neck on mine, scenting me with calming pheromones. His Alpha cooes.

"Wow, I've never seen Bakugo like this before." Kirishima commented.

I finally pulled myself together and wiped my tears away.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, his Alpha is so...gentle, nurturing, clingy. He's usually very aggressive and overly protective. Never heard him whine or coo like that."

"Why are you talking like I'm not here shitty hair?"

"Sorry, you were so different just now it felt like you weren't."

"It's instinct and you can't control it. Your Alpha will take over and respond. Ill tell ya, it's ten fold when you have pups on the way."

"I'll keep that in mind. Anyways, did you guys think of names!?"

"We have a small list going."

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