Chapter 33

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I have written most of this book while drinking so I'm sorry if it sucks.
Katsuki's POV**

After that little façade with my father, my mother talked to him, well more like yelled at him for being so rude and incompetent. He apologized to Izuku and I.

I don't expect that his opinion will change but at least he apologized for his actions.

Anyways, it's been a five days since break started and Red messaged to see if Izuku and I wanted to go to the beach and do a campfire with him, Denki, Mina, Tsu, Tokoyami and Sero. Momo and Ochaco were currently out of the country.

Izuku begged to go even though the beach isn't exactly my cup of tea. Anything for my Omega.

"Kacchan! They are over there!" Izuku smiled with glee, pulling me towards our group of 'friends'.

"Hey guys! So glad you could make it!" Red smiles his toothy grin.

"Well Izuku wanted to come and-"

"Denki! Kirishima marked you!? Why didn't you call me!" Izuku cut off our conversation with a squeal of excitement.

I looked at Eji, a grinned confidently.

"Congrats man." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He faked sobbed, "That's the nicest thing you've said to me since we became roomies." He sniffed, whipping the fake tear under his eye.

I roll my eyes and scoff, "Yeah whatever, don't get used to it." I grumble.

"Kacchan! Let's go in the water!" Izuku cheers happily, jumping up and down.

"Kitten, you know how I feel about water."

Izuku pouted, god I hate when he pouts.

The pout soon turned into a grin, a grin that showed he was up to no good. 

"Okay Alpha, I'll go in the water with the others then." He shrugged.

He unbuttoned his shorts, pulling them down showing off his swim suit. It was pitch black and showed off his thick ass. He pulled off his shirt. He wore a fish net crop top as well.

"Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath.

Kirishima swung his arm over my shoulder, grinning.

"You sure your not going in the water?" He chuckled teasingly.

I gulped, "I changed my mind."

I threw my shirts off quickly, running after Izuku so was already knees deep in the water. He heard me moving towards him in the water, making him turn around and squealed with panic.

I chuckle to myself before catching up to him and wrapping my arms around him, falling down into the water and taking him with me. We both came up from the water, Izuku giggling happily. I smile, god I can listen to that laugh all day and night.

I pulled him in, looking down at his lips and back at his eyes. Before I knew it he leaned in, pressing our lips together roughly. As I wrapped my arms around him tighter, and our kiss became hungrier, someone splashed us in the face.

"Hey!" Izuku yelled, still giggling with a stupid smile on his face.

"I didn't come to the beach to watch you make out in the water." Denki chuckled.

"Well, I guess we should play a game." Kirishima grinned evilly, picking up his Omega and throwing him over his shoulder.

"Hey!" Denki whined in protest.

"You guys want to play chicken?"
Katsuki's POV**

"You guys want to play chicken?" Kirishima asked the group.

"Hell yeah!" MIna shouted.

"Fine, but we are gonna win."

I bend down in the water, low enough for Izuku to hop on my shoulders. Tsu was on Mina's shoulders, Denki was on Kirishimas, Tokoyami was on Sero's and Izuku was on mine.

"Winner goes up against Sero and Tokoyami." Denki said.

"Sounds good to me."

**After playing chicken**

"I'm awesome at that game!" Denki laughed, taking a bite of the sandwich he brought.

"Whatever." Izuku pouted.

Denki and Kirishima won most of the chicken game. Izuku and I won three times, Sero and Tokoyami won twice, and Denki and Kirishima won five times.

"It's getting late. I brought some mikes hards for tonight, Denki wanted to watch the sunset."

"How romantic!" Tokoyami said quickly looking over at Sero then away.

Ohhhhhhhhh. So Tokoyami has a crush on Sero. Wow, didn't see that one coming.

Kirishima started passing out drinks to our group. Izuku sat down on my lap as Sero started up the campfire.

**Later in the night**

The campfire flickered orange and yellow. The sun went down, the stars and moon lit up the sky. Sero brought stuff for s'mores so we were currently toasting marshmallows.

As I was feeding Izuku a marshmallow, Kirishima spoke up, turning down the music.

"Truth or dare?" He grinned.

"Yessss!" Denki cheered.

"Fine, just a few rounds, Izuku and I have to check in to our hotel by midnight and it's 10pm."

"Ohhh hotel? What are you guys gonna be up to?" Kirishima wiggled his eye brows.

"None of your business shitty hair." I growled.

"Ohhh Izuku gonna get some tonight!" Denki added making my Omega blush.

We got the hotel for the rest of the week. We decided to do our one year anniversary celebration a couple weeks early because of the time off. It was an easier plan then asking Aizawa to let us leave for 5-7 days. We are still planning on a dinner for the day of but we wanted to spend time together alone, Izuku's heat starts this week, so we booked a scent and sound proof room.

The things I'm planning to do it to him....

"If you must know, Izuku's heat is coming this week and we'd rather not fuck at his house while his mom is there." I huffed, biting into a burnt marshmallow.

"I guess that's fair, Denkis heat doesn't start until after we go back to U.A. So sorry if we kick you out Izuku." Kirishima grins.

Denki laughs, "Stop talking about our heats you weirdos!"

The night crept in, it was 11:30pm meaning Izuku and I had to get going.

"See you guys next monday." Izuku said giving everyone a hug.

"Bye guys! Have fun!" Kirishima winked at us.

"Oh, We will."

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