Chapter 45

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I just wanted to say thank you for reading! I didn't think this book would blow up and I know it's not the best it's my first omegaverse but after this one you guys are interested in another I'm willing to write one! I'll even take ideas you guys are interested in. Of course I would give credit to the person that came up with the idea. Anyways enjoy!
Katsuki's POV**

"Kacchan? Could you bring me a jar of pickles and marshmallow fluff?" Izuku asked from the couch.

Izuku is 20 weeks, half way through the pregnancy. We had two weeks before the gender reveal. His bump is noticeable now and god was he stunning.

His nausea has gone down a lot but now he's craving the weirdest shit.

"Yeah I can do that Kitten." I smiled.

"Thank you!" Izuku cheered then went back to the conversation him and Tsu were having.

I walked into the kitchen to grab the few things Izuku wanted. I grabbed the jar of dill pickles and the jar of marshmallow fluff. I also grabbed a plate and spoon for him. Momo chuckled watching me grab the weird combination of items.

"Cravings huh?" She laughed.

"Yeah. What's crazy is this isn't the craziest one."

"What was the craziest one?" Momo asked fully curious.

"Chocolate covered spicy doritos."

"Oh Jesus."

"Yeah, well I better get going before we have a pissed off pregnant Omega on our hands."

"You mean your hands."

I rolled my eyes walking back with the things Izuku requested. I handed the items to him and he squealed happily.

"Thank you Alpha!" Izuku purred opening the jar of fluff and pickles. Taking a pickle from the jar, scooping a spoon full of fluff and putting it all over the pickle. He happily put it in his mouth and hummed with a smile on his face.

Tsu giggled watching the pregnant Omega munch on his weird craving. Kirishima walked out of his dorm room looking at the three.

"Ugh what are you eating!? Is that dill pickles and marshmallow fluff?"

"Mmhm! It's soooo good! Want to try?"

"I'll take your word for it. That's for you and your pups. Speaking of I wanted to ask how you wanted to do the gender reveal part. That's the last thing we are working on."

"Yeah, I have a few ideas. I haven't talked to Kacchan about them yet." Izuku looked at me sheepishly.

"Whatever you want kitten I'm okay with." I shrug.

"I still can't get over the fact you call him 'kitten." Shitty hair chuckled trying to cover it up.

"Fuck off. I can call him whatever I want. He's mine."

"Yeah yeah we know we can see the mark on his neck and baby bump you gave him." He laughed again. Izuku let out a soft giggle as well. I rolled my eyes.

"I have examples on my phone which I left in the dorm." My curly haired Omega blushed red. Cute. He probably had plans for the reveal since we got the gender envelope.

"Okay, meet us in there when your done with your...snack."

"Okay! See you in a few minutes." Izuku chirped happily, dipping another pickle into the marshmallow fluff.

"Hey! I got you a plate and spoon so you didn't get pickle juices in the marshmallow fluff!" I groaned.

Izuku smirked, setting the plate along with his craving down on the small table next to the couch. After, he walked over to me wrapping his arms around my neck. He brought his face up to my ear, his lips brushing against it.

"You can put your juices in my fluff.~"

"Holy fuck Izuku~"

(authors note: iM gONNa UnaLiVE MySElf FoR THat LinE BUt i COulDnT RESiST. ANywaYs. Carry on.)

I gulped, lustful pheromones started leaving my body. I was completely salivating just by the thought. He pulled away from me grinning, pecking me on the lips and walking off to the dorm, leaving me completely dumbfounded by his out of pocket comment.

He keeps this up and I'm gonna put another baby in him...
Izuku's POV**

After leaving my Alpha in complete shock, I rushed over to denkis and my dorm room. When I opened the door they were sitting on the couch together.

I walked into my room grabbing some on my ideas then headed back over to them. I sat back on the couch bracing my bump as I sat. I huffed tiredly.

"Already tired of carrying the two around?" Denki joked.

"No not really. Though standing up and sitting down is starting to be a little bit of a pain."

"Well your only half way through."

"Yeah, I'll probably need assistance by the time I'm in the third trimester."

We started talking about my ideas. Kirishima vetoed some as I told him he could. He said that some were a little to basic. Ones like cake cutting or ballon popping.

"Oh the tic tac toe board is a cute idea!" Denki cheered.

"Yeah but then we would have to make two boards and I don't know if I will have the patients for that." I giggled, rubbing my bump. It's oddly calming sue me.

"I guess that's fair."

We ran through a few more ideas until we picked out the perfect one.

"This is gonna great and so cute!"

After, Denki started asking a lot of questions on what it was like so far. I told him about the crazy cravings I've been having and other things.

"So...can you have sex while pregnant?" Kirishima blurted out.

"Eij! You can't just ask that shit!" Denki slapped his Alpha on the back of the head playfully.

I laughed, "It's okay, just a question. Yeah you can. To be honest....pregnancy makes you horny..." I blushed awkwardly covering my face as I anxiously laughed.

"Oh I bet Bakubro is really enjoying that." Kirishima wiggled his eye brows.

"Oh my gosh! Okay, I'm done with conversation!"

"Sorry. It's getting late anyways. You should probably get some rest."

"Yeah, probably going to stay in the other dorm tonight. You guys can have this one to yourselves."

"Hell yes!" Kirishima cheered like he was expecting something.

Denki rolled his eyes, "I'm tired, another night."

"But baby it's been like a week sense-"

"It's been three days Eji. I need a break from getting completely destr-"

"Okay I'm leaving! I don't want to hear this any further!"

"Oh like you and Bakugo don't go completely feral on each othe-"

"Byeeeeeee!" I shouted covering my ears as I walked towards the door.

Kirishima chuckled waving, "Bye! Get some rest!"

"I will! Goodnight!"

I closed the door behind me, letting out a laugh. Little did they know I don't plan on going to bed until later tonight....

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