Chapter 18

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**3 weeks later**

Izuku's POV**

"Babe! Can you come help with the decorations?" I ask Kacchan while hanging up fake spider webs and spiders on the ceiling.

"Yeah give me a minute, I have to get these pumpkins over to Pink Cheeks before she blows a gasket." The blond smiled up at me.

I just had my monthly heat, went like the other one to be honest, Kacchan helped out and took surpressants.

It was Halloween night and Mr. Aizawa allowed us to have a halloween party. Villain crimes have been weirdly low so the school allowed us to invite Class B1 to the party as well. They would be arriving in an hour. Mr. Aizawa and All Might will be 'on call' for the party just in case anything goes sideways. Denki and Kiri were helping with decor, Mina and Sero was fixing up the music playlist, Todoroki and Ochaco was dealing with the snacks and drinks.

Speaking of Todoroki, we haven't talked since training almost a month ago after he went into rut. Every time I was near he would leave, he wouldn't make eye contact either. I understand that Ruts and Heats can't be controlled but he doesn't have to be weird around me...

"Let me help with that Kitten..." Kacchan cooed, lifting me up from the stool I was on. I squealed as he set me down.

I handed him the rest of the decor and he put it up with ease and without the step stool.

"It's kinda cute you need a step stool to put these up on the ceiling." He chuckled.

I huffed, crossing my arms in defense, "Not my fault I'm only 5'4 and your 6'0!" I whined.

He chuckled at me. I saw Orchco walk away from the snack table towards Momo. They were smiling and being playful with each other. I wonder if they like each other.

"Hey Izuku!" Jirou waving me over.

"I'll be back babe." I said up at Kacchan with a soft smile.

"What's up Jirou?"

"So have you noticed Momo and Ochaco being all flirty and close?" She whispered to me.

"Yeah, they've been getting quite close." I hummed.

"Well, Momo confessed to me that she liked Ochaco. Has Ocha said anything to you about her liking Momo?"

"No, but from the looks of it and how she has been blushing around Momo since they played spin the bottle I would say she has a crush on her too."

"Do you wanna help Sero, Mina, Tsu and I with a plan?"

"A plan to get them together?"

"Yes, tonight!" Jirou laughs.

"Absolutely! I'll get Kacchan in on it."
Katsuki's POV*

The party started around 8pm. I poured myself and my mate a drink. Music was bumping, the ground shook. Everyone in the class and class B1 was having a good time.

Deku told me about how they are going to get Ochaco and Momo together. They got a lot of the class into it.

"Who wants to play seven minutes in heaven?!" Mina shouted already drunk as a skunk.

The classes cheered coming together in the middle. Some stayed dancing and some was eating. Out of both classes there was about 20 of us in a circle. I set deku in my lap making him gasp. I chuckle as he takes a sip of his drink. His cheeks were already tinted pink from the alcohol.

"Okay! The rules are gonna be a little different. Someone will spin the bottle and whoever it lands on gets to pick the other person in the closet. Doesn't have to be inappropriate. Who wants to start?"

"I'll go." Jirou said confidently, grabbing the bottle and spinning it.

It landed on Tenya. "Hm. Let's do....Rin." Tenya grinned at the Omega male in class 1B.

Rin blushes mad while Jirou grinned happily. They both make their way over to the closet. Mina joins to close the door behind them and start the timer.

"So Jet legs, why Rin for Earphones?" I smirked, taking a sip of my drink.

"I noticed them making eye contact quite a few times in the past hour." Tenya shrugged.

"Alright times up you two!" Mina shouted.

Earphones and Rin came out both smiling. I raised my brow at Earphones while she sat back down in her spot.

"Y'all make out or something?" I chuckled making Deku slap my shoulder.

"You don't have to answer that Jirou. It's none of our business."

"False! I wanna know!" Mina clapped happily.

"We talked, exchanged numbers and planned a date. That's all that happened." Jirou mumbled talking a swig of her drink.

The game continued, Tenya got to spin the bottle and it landed on Mina, who picked a girl, I think she's a beta named Yui from class 1B. After them Mina spun and it landed on Deku.

"If you don't say me I swear to got Froggy." I growled.

"Well now that you were being so rude I'm gonna pick someone else."

I growled, holding Deku tighter.

"Kacchan I'm not gonna do anything with anyone but you, calm down." He cooed in my ear releasing calming pheromones. I sighed and relaxed.

"I pick Shoto."

Fuck it I'm not calm anymore. I place Deku down next to me before standing up.


"They need to talk and-" Tried to explain but I didn't want to hear it. He hurt what's mine!


"K-Kacchan..." Deku whimpered grabbing my sleeve. Fuck I didn't realize I released so much angry Alpha pheromones.

I took a deep breath, "Fine. But if Deku tells me you laid even a finger, no breathe on him I will break your fucking legs you hear me?" I glared at Icyhot.

He nodded and gulped. I walked back over to Deku wrapping my arms around him and giving him a passionate kiss before rubbing my gland against his.

I turn towards the class and growled, "Mine."

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