Chapter 44

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Izuku's POV**

I'm 18 weeks now, meaning it's been a couple weeks since we announced to the class that we were pregnant. We will be having the baby shower when I'm 21 weeks along so the party will be in 3 weeks. Denki and Kirishima were already planning and getting things ready.

Patrols were a little different tonight, Denki went into heat so Kirishima and him were in Kirishimas room. That meant people had to switch. I couldn't obviously go because I'm pregnant. So the two squads out tonight were Mina, Momo, Sero and Jirou, and then Kacchan, Shoto, Tsu, and Tenya.

I sat on the couch in the common room, I asked Ochaco to stay with me while Kacchan was out patrolling. We were currently watching the news after we heard our teams were called into "battle".

News: a group of villains have been causing havoc in the city, setting fires to local businesses, stealing from bystanders and even kidnapping Omegas. We are sure that it's the group that has been doing understand Omegan trafficking. Hero's from around the city have been trying to capture these villains, only 2 have been caught.

The camera man turned the camera to part of the city, I saw burning buildings, heard screaming people as they ran, I saw my patrol squad. That's when I saw, Kacchan, face covered in blood and sweat, still pushing on.

I gasped, nervously holding my round belly. Biting my nails nervously. My breathing hitching as I saw Kacchan and A villain go face to face.

"Zuku?" Ochaco nudged me gently.

I watched as Kacchan took a nasty right hook to the face from the villian he was fighting.

I don't know if it was the hormones but I started to cry. I thought of the worst case scenario. What if this ends badly? It looks so bad. What if Kacchan doesn't make it back? I would be heart broken. Our babies would grow up without a dad, I wouldn't be able to handle it. The worry got to me and the babies, I need to vomit.


"I think I'm gonna be sick." I gagged, standing up from the couch and rushing over to the nearest bathroom.

I immediately started throwing up, shaking, and gasping for air.

"Zuku!" Ochaco rushed in, rubbing my back in comfort.

"He's gonna be fine love, it's Bakugo. Hes the strongest person in the course, a Don Alpha, and hella stubborn,"

I chuckled slightly, wiping my fallen tears on my cheeks and sniffed.

"He's gonna be home with you tonight don't stress, it's not good for your pups." Ochaco cooed.

After I was able to stop throwing up from worry, Ochaco walked me to Kacchans room. His pheromones calming me the second I walked into the room. I purred happily, walking over to his bed and laying down in it. Ochaco grabbed a few items of his clothes handing them to me. She knew that Omegas like to nest when they are stressed, mostly a pregnant Omega. I purred, rubbing my body all over the clothes.

"There, better?"

I hummed, nodding.

"Okay. I'll stay with you until Katsuki is back, I'm gonna sit in the chair over there and get some work done okay?"

"Mmhm..." I spoke softly, being a lot more calmer in my nest.
Katsuki's POV**

"Fuck that guy really got me in the jaw." I hissed rubbing my aching jaw as recovery girl looked over our squad.

"Yeah. But I think you messed up his face a lot more." Mina laughed then immediately hissing in pain from her shoulder injury.

"Well good news is you all can go back to U.A tonight, no need for any over night visits." Recovery girl smiled and sent the 8 of us on our way.

I just wanted to get back to Deku. That's all my mind could think about. I rushed up to the dorms. I didn't see Ochaco or Deku in the common area where they said they would be for the night. Confused I started walking down the hall.

"Izuku?" I called out.

Suddenly from a few doors down, my dorm, Ochaco popped her head out. I looked at her a little confused. She closed the door behind her and started walking towards me.

"Where's Izuku? Is he in there?"

"Yeah, he was a little shaken up, watching the patrol you guys were on. He had a full panic attack and threw up."

I started to worry for my Omega and our pups.

"Is he okay? Are the pups okay? Fuck you probably shouldn't have let him watch that." I huffed, running my hands through my hair.

"I know, I thought it would help with the separation but I only made it worse. But he's okay now, he's nesting on your bed. He probably would like to see you."

"Okay, um erm Thanks for looking out for him...Pink cheeks."

Ochaco gasped sarcastically, "Did the great Katsuki Bakugo just say thank you? Holy shit."

I snickered, "Tch, don't get used to it."

I pushed past her as she let out a small laugh before walking to her dorm. I opened my door softly looking over to my bed seeing my small Omega curled up in a nest he made.

"Zuku..." I hummed, trying not to startle him.

He groaned, opening his eyes slowly and blinking.

"Hey baby, I'm back." I smiled at the sleepy boy.

"Alphhaaa!" He smiled happily, sitting up and pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back gently.

He pulled away looking at my face. His face suddenly dropped, "Jesus Katsuki your face is all bruised."

I chuckled as he brushed his hand over my bruised jaw line, "Yeah, guy had a nasty right hook."

"I'm glad you are okay." Izuku brought his lips to mine.

"Of course I am, I'm the best." I chuckled softly.

I took off my hero suit, hoping in the shower and quickly getting out. Izuku was still in bed, fixing the nest to fit me as well.

I crawled in next him, pulling him close. I exhaled deeply, my body fully relaxing for the first time tonight. I cooed, running my hands through Izuku's soft curls.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Kacchan."

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