Chapter 50

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Katsuki's POV**

Izuku half way through his last trimester. 32 weeks along.

It's been harder for him to get around, Denki has been coming over when I'm out doing hero work. Kirishima, Tsu and I just finished our rounds tonight.

"See you later Kirishima and Bakugo. Say hi to Izuku and Denki for me kero~"

"Will do Tsu. Make it home safe to Mina." Kirishima waved before Tsu swung off.

"Better get back."

Both of us took off towards the apartment. Denki was standing outside, which isn't normal.

"What's going on Denki?"

"Izuku started nesting."

"What? Isn't it a bit early?"

"I mean, I guess. Usually Omegas start nesting at 36 weeks along. Maybe because you guys are having twins? I have no idea. But it's not okay for Kiri to step in the house. We should leave it up to you."

"I'll let the agency know. Good luck." Denki laughed.

I roll my eyes, "Thanks."

Kirishima and Denki left leaving me to go up to the apartment where my omega waits.

What is he going to be like? Is he going to try to kill me out of protecting his nest? Is he going to be relatively normal?

I have no clue what I'm walking into. I've of course seen Izuku nest before but this is different.

I decided to call Inko before walking into the house. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Auntie-"

"What's wrong? Everything alright?"

I let out a little chuckle, "Yeah, well, mostly. Izuku started to nest."

"This early?"

"Yeah that's what I said. I'm standing outside our door after coming home from work. I just need to know, what should I expect?"

"He's going to be a little on edge. Ask him permission to enter the nest. His Omega will be in charge most of the time, but he should snap out of it here and there. Your his alpha, you shouldn't have any problems. Just make sure your calm and quiet."

Wow, two things I am not.

"Okay, I'll do my best."

"Alright, keep me updated. If you bring him snacks or more nesting materials you'll keep him happy. Did you talk to the agency?"

"Denki is going to tell them that I'll be out."

"That's good. It shouldn't be long now. Because he's having twins he might go into labor early, just be aware of that. But don't worry for another couple weeks, shouldn't be before then."

"Thanks. I'll keep you and ma updated."

"Alright. Bye."


I hung up the phone and took a deep breath before walking into the apartment. It was very quiet, usually Izuku meets me at the door or is on the couch watching Tv.

"Zuku, baby?" I called, getting no reply. I should have known he wouldn't reply.

I kick my shoes off and start walking into the jurserh where Deku should be nesting. The door creaked open. I look over at the nest and Izuku is curled up in the soft material.

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