Coronation, Celebration.. A New Oath

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((This is so late because I've been struggling with pretty bad writer's block, but I think I've pushed through it now. You're going to love this chapter. (: ))

Today was the day. The third day. The day everyone was prepared enough. The day they could all finally stop rushing around to help others in need.
The day of the coronation.

There were humans, dwarves, werecats, Urgals, monsters, elves simply everywhere throughout Urû'baen. Not all of them knew what they were doing or what was happening. Confused scattered monsters who had wandered into the city were watching the proceedings, following the growing crowds around a cleared square in wonder.

Most of the Wyrdaí Islingrya had resigned themselves to ordering the crowds about, often shouting basic explanations of what was happening. It seemed most new monsters obtained most information from humans willing to give it, though few were willing. Most citizens were afraid of them, and that fear unfortunately ran both ways. Monsters had yet to realize the differences between humans of the Multiverse and the humans of Alagaësia. Perhaps it was for the best.

As the many different races gathered, so did the few Great Ones, often old, ancient beings from old universes. Curious creatures of elements as well as dragons perched atop buildings around the square, few even hovering with magic. Dragons of eastern descent floating with curious burning eyes, giant birds chattering to one another with suspicious glares at others, some sparking with electricity, some flaring bright crests and huffing flames.

Several kings and queens eventually found themselves along the inner ring of the crowd, watching from the sidelines. Only one king was able to get close: the tremendous dragon that was Draco's Asgore, maintaining a wary curiosity of the humans as he seated himself hesitantly behind the ring of kings before a newly built pulpit, carved seat set atop it.

The gods and Voices soon settled in a semicircle around the center of the square. Classic was nowhere to be seen, but the unusual giant glowing axolotl had the same tremendous energy as Destiny, so it was soon clear to most what was happening.

Beside the simple throne, on either side, stood the excited Blue and Eragon, the dragons behind them.
As simple as the ceremony appeared, it was greater than any other purely out of all of those in attendance. After all, what king or queen could say more than a dozen other kings and queens had personally seem them take the throne? Who else could claim that a king of werecats and a king of dragons had attended the ceremony? Who else could claim all deities had been present? That the watching crowd consisted of each and every race in the land, from the brutish Urgals to the fair folk to the incredible variety that was monsterkind?

And thus, when the drums began to pound their rhythm, all voices had fallen to a silence so absolute one could hear the distant rumble that was the host of monsters housed beyond the city's walls. The glowing strings drooping from the overhang hummed eerily, beset with banners and flags and more.

The drumbeat rang throughout the city, and with them, Nasuada appeared, clad in a dress of purple- those familiar with Error recognized the needlework. Its sleeves ended at the elbows, simply to reveal the scars of her arms, the train behind trailing mink as it floated seemingly of it's own accord- which god or monster or deity was behind it, none could be sure, only that strange lights gleamed around it.

With the slow pulse of the drums, slowly, trills and hums of the various ancients arranged around the square joining in harmony. The woman of the hour slowly crossed to the center, kneeling before the simple throne, before the Riders.

A dwarf presented Eragon the crown, made from gold of the city and gems elves had given from their helms and swords, all save for a singular purple gem, a garnet, in the center. It was eerily luminous, enchanted with unknown magics- save that they were benign.

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