The Elder's Grief

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((You fools, he was never going to stay behind with the eggs!))

Abyss was waiting for them when the doors opened, standing across from the spire on his own two feet, an odd look of shame and sadness in his sockets. He smiled halfheartedly at them as they emerged before a familiar watery portal swirled into existence behind him.
"You ready?" He asked.

"To go? Yes. To fight Galbatorix? No. I'll still do both regardless." Blue smiled shakily, GB snorting softly as he agreed.
Can't believe we're almost there. He noted, staring at the spinning water in trepidation.
It feels unreal.
"It does." Eragon agreed.

"Well, at least some of us have experienced this feeling before." Blue noted somewhat in amusement.
"The first time our Barriers were broken."
GB nodded sagely. True, true. It feels like so long ago, though. I'm not sure I remember what it felt like anymore.
"... Something like this, maybe?"
"But a lot happier." Abyss added.
"But a lot happier." Blue agreed, smiling softly.

"Let's go." He finally decided, striding forwards.
Abyss stepped closer. "Wait. This portal opens directly into a cloud. The idea was you'd return and the elves would cease the illusions they've been holding."

Blue sighed faintly, seeing the wisdom of that and turning to his friend as GB absently picked at his saddle, checking the straps.
And so, it came time for them to leave Vroengard.

. • ° ° • .

The city was beautiful, if not profoundly terrifying with what it represented. It was couched beneath a massive stone shelf, massive, three hundred foot walls surrounding it entirely. Upon the wall sat a menagerie of catapults and ballistae.

The buildings within were a mix of human and elven architecture, the most notable of them all being the half dozen fluted, malachite towers encircling what appeared to be the most ancient portion of the city. Two others were only stumps amidst the houses, though another more intact pair lacked their roofs.

And yet atop the vast stone shelf that guarded Urû-baen stood another wall and many watchtowers. And beneath it, in the recess of the cliff was a tremendous castle, parapets all but scraping the underside of the shelf.
Unnervingly enough, it had a truly vast door set into its front- a gate presumably large enough to fit the well-known black dragon inside.

The dragons with them were dismayed at the sight. Glaedr spoke.
Galbatorix has built much since he drove us from this place. The walls were not so thick nor so tall in our day.
Blue glanced back at the city, previously distracted by the northwestern horizon.
"It does look different." He agreed.
"When have you seen its former state?" Eragon promptly questioned.
"Oromis's fairth, did you forget?"
At that, the human paused, staring at the city.

After that pause, he frowned. "The camp, the elves have already joined us. How have they managed that? Surely Error would be here as well if they are with us."
Blue hummed thoughtfully, Abyss reminding them of his presence.
"Gods and deities. Error may be the best at it, but he's not the only one who can transport armies. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Someone figured out a way."

It couldn't have been easy. GB noted.
"...No. We'll find out soon, I feel.. her."
"Who?" Blue asked. Abyss did not reply. Due to the spell of invisibility around them all, it was hard to tell where he even was, only the direction of his voice.
"Contact Blödhgarm." The strange god-mortal insisted suddenly. "Organize the Varden's leaders. You know what to do, Blue."
"You'll contact deities, then?" He assumed.
"Lady Blanc." Was the only reply.

Blue frowned in mild concern, but cast out his thoughts regardless. Eventually he let Unity guide him to the whispering notes that were Cicállaé's mind. A feminine strand took notice of him before the pair he was familiar with followed.
You are back. Nightmare stated.
You found yourself? Dream added.
We found ourselves, yes. Will you come?
᭙ꫀ ᭙ⅈꪶꪶ ᥴꪮꪑꫀ.

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