Chapter 120

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Riverpaw awoke first, which wasn't unusual for her. Meadowpaw, Weaselpaw and Briarpaw soon followed. The four apprentices were on the two dawn patrols, along with their mentors. Newleaf was well on its way but there was still a chill in the air that had the young cats ruffling up their pelts against the cold.

Meadowpaw took the time to give herself a groom and Riverpaw noticed with amusement that Weaselpaw couldn't take his eyes off her best friend. If only he knew that Meadowpaw had a crush on him too!

Poor Briarpaw wasn't really awake yet, blinking sleepily in the gray dawn light before yawning. If this were the sunset patrol, it would be different. Her brother just wasn't the morning type.

Thankfully, they didn't have long to wait as their mentors came to join them.

The two dawn patrols split up to take their respective sections of border. Riverpaw was sad she wouldn't be patrolling with her best friend, but she almost never got to patrol with her brother. While the two of them were complete opposites, she still loved him dearly and enjoyed spending time with him. Though, he didn't always feel the same way about her. Now seemed to be one of those times.

Briarpaw was at the rear of the patrol, though his mentor, Thistletail, was leading it.

"Try not to fall asleep back there," Thistletail warned.

"Don't worry! I'll make sure he doesn't!" Riverpaw exclaimed.

Briarpaw shot his sister a look. "I don't need your help!"

Riverpaw flicked her tail, a little stung but not taking it too personally. Briarpaw was always grumpy in the morning. "Suit yourself." She picked up the pace, falling between Thistletail and Stonesplash.

The patrol traveled steadily, first along the OakClan border where they crossed paths with the OakClan dawn patrol but didn't linger to chat. Then they made their way along the river trail. It was here that Riverpaw darted along, pelt sparking with excitement. She loved the river and swimming and fish. Though, by now, her mentor had instilled in her that they didn't hunt on border patrol she couldn't resist splashing around a little.

"Let's keep moving, Riverpaw," Stonesplash prompted. "We've got a patrol to finish."

"Coming, Stonesplash!" Riverpaw slipped out of the water and shook herself, wetting Briarpaw in the process.

"Why do you have to act like a kit all the time?" Briarpaw snapped.

"It was an accident!" Riverpaw defended herself.

"Briarpaw!" Thistletail warned.

"Remember that most of our Clanmates don't like getting wet so be more considerate when you dry off," Stonesplash advised his apprentice.

"Yes, Stonesplash," Riverpaw meowed.

They finished their patrol without further incident, having wound up near the ravine. They were just discussing their plans for the day when a rabbit darted out of the meadow, Weaselpaw hot on its tail. Blinded by fear, the rabbit raced for the ravine, going right over the edge. With a mighty leap, Weaselpaw went after it.

"Weaselpaw!" Meadowpaw gasped, darting out of the grass.

There were sounds of a struggle as Meadowpaw and Riverpaw went to check on their denmate. It went quiet for a moment as the two she-cats exchanged a look. Then, Weaselpaw crested the top of the ravine, the rabbit clamped firmly in his jaws.

"Wow!" Meadowpaw breathed. "That was incredible!"

Weaselpaw puffed out his chest a little.

"Well caught, son," Hareflight praised as he joined them.

"You've turned into quite the hunter, if I do say so myself," Flowerpetal meowed. "You're ready to become a warrior."

Weaselpaw's eyes shone, and he set down his catch. "Thank you, Flowerpetal. You've been the best mentor I could ask for."

The hunt continued.

Riverpaw was happy for her denmate, but she felt a flicker of sadness too. No one praised her like that. They only ever pointed out what she did wrong. Would she ever be a warrior her Clan could be proud of?

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