Chapter 117

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GrassClan had come a long way. Last leafbare they had fought PineClan and won with the loss of only two warriors. Considering the odds, that would have been a great outcome for a bigger Clan. At the time, it had been a heavy loss. Now, things were different.

They were still the smallest Clan but they had good warriors and thriving apprentices. A couple more moons and they would have new warriors. GrassClan had much to be thankful for. Despite their last prey-poor moon, Hawkstar knew his Gathering report would be a positive one. After everything his Clan had experienced, he knew how to find joy in the tiny things.

PineClan and WillowClan gave their reports first. Both positive and giving nothing away in looks or tone. Hawkstar knew well how leaders hid any weaknesses within their Clan. He had learned the hard way the importance of that. Though, there were some things that couldn't be hidden.

Hawkstar knew exactly what to look for.

Shadestar was cool and collected though not as unreadable as he once was. He couldn't hide how deeply affected he had been by the loss he had suffered last leafbare. After the battle with GrassClan, PineClan had been surprisingly quiet. Apparently, they had learned their lesson and weren't keep to stir up any more trouble. For now.

Stormstar's long silver pelt practically glowed in the moonlight. WillowClan thrived even in the longest leafbare. That did not make their Clan untouchable but it gave them a level of comfort lacking in the other Clans. They were more open and relaxed, rarely getting involved in Clan politics. For Hawkstar, at least, that made them more trustworthy than their other rivals.

At last, it was Hawkstar's turn.

"Like all of you, GrassClan has had to deal with slim pickings in our territory but we've got plenty of paws to catch prey and patrol our borders. In fact, our two oldest apprentices-Weaselpaw and Nightpaw-have passed their second assessment. They are well on their way to becoming capable warriors."

At this praise, Weaselpaw and Nightpaw sat up straighter where they sat with the other apprentices. It was rare indeed for apprentices to be recognized at Gatherings.

"Otherwise, GrassClan is healthy under the care of Honeypool and we're getting through leafbare just fine."

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