Chapter 107

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"Wake up!"

A paw shook him and Bramblestripe popped up his head to see Brightwhisker.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Brightwhisker chirped. "Ready for dawn patrol?"

Bramblestripe groaned, hauling himself to his paws. "Why is it that I have the best dreams the night before dawn patrol?"

"About to catch that mouse?"

Bramblestripe grunted.

No need to reveal the truth. It had been a long time but there was no mistaking the black she-cat that walked through his dreams. It had been almost four seasons since Shadowheart's death. He hadn't confided in any cat how much her death had affected him. He had hoped he would have gotten over it by now.

Apparently not, he thought grimly.

Since he was leading the dawn patrol that morning, he pushed away everything else. The last thing he needed was to be distracted right now, especially because of who else was on his patrol.

"Ready to go?" Hawkstar asked as Bramblestripe and Brightwhisker joined him.

"Why does dawn patrol never get easier?" Bramblestripe sighed.

"Oh, come on. Dawn patrol isn't so bad," Brightwhisker meowed, giving Bramblestripe a friendly nudge.

"Do you have to be so cheerful?"

"Well, I am Brightwhisker so," Brightwhisker meowed with a shrug.

"Really? I thought it was because you have white whiskers," Bramblestripe responded only partly sarcastic.

"No, pretty sure that's not it. Otherwise, I would be Whitewhisker."

"I guess I'm just tired."

"Are good for patrol? We don't have a problem going without you," Hawkstar offered.

Bramblestripe quickly shook his head. "I'm fine, Hawkstar."

"You just need to wake up a little," Hareflight meowed. He was the fourth member of their patrol. "A good brisk run is just what you need."

"You're right. Let's go," Bramblestripe meowed.

He led his patrol at a steady pace. It was exactly what he needed. The cool dawn air ruffled his pelt, sweeping away his tiredness along with it. He still didn't see the appeal of dawn patrol. It was just too early, but he could get through it now.

The borders were quiet, and they were able to get through the patrol quickly. Hareflight and Brightwhisker split off to go hunting. Bramblestripe and Hawkstar continued back to camp.

"I'm glad I've got this chance to discuss something with you," Hawkstar meowed.

Bramblestripe flicked his ears and cast his leader a curious look.

"I'd like you to mentor Flamekit."

Bramblestripe was so surprised that he came to an abrupt halt. "Me?"

Hawkstar stopped to look at him. "Yes, you."

"But I've never had an apprentice before and he's your son. What if I'm not good enough to train him?"

"I know all of that, but you are good enough to train an apprentice."

"You really think so?"

Hawkstar nodded.

"Thank you." Bramblestripe choked up before composing himself. "For trusting me."

"Of course, I trust you. I trust all of my warriors."

As they returned to camp, Bramblestripe felt a rush of excitement. His exhaustion was gone. He'd never felt like this before. He almost couldn't believe it. This wouldn't happen even in his wildest dreams, so he knew it had to be real.

He was going to be a mentor! 

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