Chapter 97

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Hawkstar was in camp, taking care of the elders along with Brightwhisker. Working together, they finished quickly and as was their habit, checked in on the kits. Hawkstar settled next to his mate, who was watching the kits that day with Stonesplash. It was a beautiful day, one that felt like nothing could ruin. Unfortunately, Hawkstar was wrong.

Stonesplash bounded over to him and Hawkstar exchanged a look with Wildbloom. The big gray tom never hurried. Something was definitely wrong.

"Stonesplash, what is it?" Hawkstar asked.

"The kits are missing," Stonesplash meowed.

Hawkstar jolted to his paws. "What?!"

"All of them?!" Wildbloom asked, tail raised high in question.

Stonesplash shook his head. "Meadowkit, Flamekit, Riverkit and Smokekit are nowhere to be found."

"How long have they been missing?" Hawkstar asked.

"I don't know!"

"How did we not notice?" Wildbloom asked in disbelief.

"Oh StarClan!" Brightwhisker exclaimed.

"They could be anywhere by now!" Hareflight exclaimed.

"They're so small and the meadow is so big. Anything could happen to them!"

"We'll find them!" Hawkstar declared. He looked at the pawful of warriors around him. "Hareflight, you stay here with the remaining kits. Who knows, maybe the missing kits will come back on their own. Stonesplash, you head for the river, Brightwhisker, you head for the ravine, Wildbloom, head for the OakClan border and I'll head for the unclaimed woodland."

They split up, charging out of camp at full speed. They had kits to find! StarClan willing, they wouldn't be too late.

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