Chapter 9

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"Bumblepaw!" Hawkstar called.

The apprentice had just come in from a hunting patrol led by Birchleg. The mottled tom had brought in another fish and while Thistletail thought it unwise, Hawkstar decided to leave it alone. Birchleg was a good warrior if a There was no harm in it from what Hawkstar could see. Especially if it kept the young tom busy.

Bumblepaw dropped his catch on the fresh-kill pile before bounding over to his leader. "Yes, Hawkstar? What is it?"

"I'd like to speak with you in my den, please," Hawkstar meowed.

"Of course!"

As they turned away, Hawkstar could feel Wildbloom's curious gaze on him. He knew how much she cared for her apprentice. He hadn't even known her name a moon ago. Yet, he had sensed from the start that she had a steady nature. He had hoped that it would help Bumblepaw settle into their new Clan. Now, he would see if he had been right.

Hawkstar faced Bumblepaw. The pale ginger tom had a compact body with rounded features. His yellow eyes gave away his every thought and feeling. When he had first arrived, he had been uncertain and hesitant, more so than any of the other volunteers. Slowly, he had come out of his shell and proven to be a solid hunter and fighter.

Now there was only one thing left to find out.

"Wildbloom believes you are ready to become a warrior and I agree with her," Hawkstar began.

"Really?" Bumblepaw trembled with excitement.

"Yes, really," Hawkstar confirmed. "But, before I make you a warrior of GrassClan, I want to make certain that you have no desire to return to your birth Clan."

Bumblepaw gave a short shake of his head. "There isn't, Hawkstar. I may have been born in PineClan, but it was never my home. I love my life here in the meadow. I know GrassClan is where I belong."

"Very well. We'll have your warrior ceremony at sunset."

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a Clan meeting!" Hawkstar called, standing on the Meeting Stone.

Most cats had already been waiting for the warrior ceremony, so it didn't take long for them to gather. They parted ways for Bumblepaw to stand before Hawkstar. He stood without a tremble, eyes glowing with excitement. He was as excited as Hawkstar felt.

This was an important moment in Hawkstar's leadership. Hareflight had been the last cat to be made a GrassClan warrior but that had been under the Clan's previous leader. Bumblepaw would be the first warrior Hawkstar would ever name.

"This moment has been a long time in coming, not only for the apprentice now standing before me but also for myself and GrassClan." Hawkstar took a moment to look out over the crowd of cats, both new and old, that now made up his Clan. "This would not be possible without the hard work and determination that each of you have given in the past moon. For that, I thank you. Your sacrifice will be honored by GrassClan for generations to come."

Hawkstar returned his attention to Bumblepaw, waiting expectantly. "I, Hawkstar, leader of GrassClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn."

"Bumblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Bumblepaw's mew was firm and clear.

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