Chapter 108

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Hawkstar called the Clan to gather.

Riverkit and Meadowkit exchanged a surprised glance. Their leader didn't have Clan meetings often. What was this one about?

"Four of our kits have reached their sixth moon and it is time for them to become apprentices," Hawkstar announced.

Riverkit and Meadowkit gasped with delight and surprise. They hadn't been expecting this for at least another half-moon.

"Meadowkit, are we dreaming?" Riverkit asked.

"Not unless we're sharing the same dream," Meadowkit answered.

Trembling with excitement, the two she-kits walked through their gathered Clanmates to stand before Hawkstar. Their brothers were quick to join them.

Briarpaw was named an apprentice first and received Thistletail as his mentor. The Clan cheered the new apprentice as he and his mentor joined their gathered Clanmates.

It was Riverkit's turn next.

"Riverkit, from this moment forward, you will be known as Riverpaw. Your mentor will be Stonesplash. May he teach you everything he knows," Hawkstar meowed.

Even though Riverpaw felt the rush of getting a new name, her heart sank as she touched noses with her new mentor. Stonesplash? He was so serious all the time. He didn't like to play games. All he did was eat, sleep and patrol.

In short, he was boring.

Riverpaw followed Stonesplash, the cheers of their Clanmates washing over her. This was supposed to be the happiest moment of her life (so far) but all she felt was disappointment. She had no doubt she would learn a great deal from Stonesplash, but would she ever have fun again? Somehow, she didn't think so. 

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