Chapter 106

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"Have Briarkit and Riverkit been apprenticed by now?" Rainsong asked.

"No, not yet." Honeypool shook her head.

"Huh, you'd think Hawkstar would be more eager than most to see kits apprenticed."

"He is but Riverkit wanted to postpone so she could be apprenticed with her best friend Meadowkit."

"Wow!" Mosspool flicked his tail with surprise. "And Hawkstar agreed?"

Honeypool nodded.

"That's considerate of him. I can't think of another leader that would do that. Shadestar certainly wouldn't."

That Honeypool knew all too well. She repressed the shudder that ran through her at the thought. Shadestar had caused her far too much grief. While she hadn't expected it, she would be forever thankful that she no longer had to live and work in PineClan. 

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