Chapter 50

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The camp was agitated as a hive of bees.

"Did the hunting patrol not leave camp?" Stonesplash asked with some surprise, having just come back with the dawn patrol.

"That's odd. I thought Thistletail was supposed to be leading it," Bumbleflight meowed, tilting his head as he took in the disturbed state of the camp.

"Stonesplash!" Birchleg exclaimed, bounding towards their patrol with his tail bushed out in excitement.

"Finally, you're back!" Duskflower huffed, following after Birchleg at a more sedate pace.

"Hawkstar is going to call a Clan meeting. We were just waiting for you. No one really knows what it's about, but I saw Honeypool going to Hawkstar's den this morning, so I think it's gotta be a message from StarClan."

The dawn patrol exchanged puzzled looks. Birchleg had explained so quickly that even Bramblestripe, who also had been in camp, was having difficulty understanding him.

"Slow down, Birchleg," Stonesplash meowed. He looked over at Duskflower.

Duskflower shook her head. "I don't know any more than that."

"Well, at least he's taking something seriously," Stonesplash muttered.

Bramblestripe knew that Stonesplash and Duskflower had approached Hawkstar with their suspicions about Shadowheart but he had dismissed them. It had bothered all of them but there was nothing they could do. Hawkstar had made up his mind.

Hawkstar called the Clan for a meeting. They circled the Meeting Stone and their leader looked at them, eyes dark. Whatever he had to tell them, it wasn't good news.

"PineClan is going to attack GrassClan," Hawkstar announced.

Cries of shock and confusion flew through the air.


"How do you know?"


Hawkstar raised his tail for silence. He waited until the Clan had mostly quieted before continuing. "I received two warnings about trouble stirring from PineClan. I unfairly dismissed the first but the second has only confirmed what I didn't want to believe. GrassClan must prepare for attack."

Trepidation rippled through the Clan. This was the first real challenge the newly merged Clan would face. It wasn't a question of if they were ready. The attack was coming. They had to fight or be destroyed for good.

"We're all going to die!" Breezefoot rasped.

"No!" Hawkstar declared. "We've come too far to give in now. Think of all you've survived and worked for. Is that not all worth fighting for?"

The Clan straightened, exchanging looks. There was determination in their raised heads and gleaming eyes. They would get through this. They had to!

"From now on, Thistletail will be preparing battle patrols on top of hunting and border patrols."

Bramblestripe was reassured by Hawkstar's plan of action. It would be a lot of work in the middle of leafbare no less and they were still the smallest Clan by far but none of that mattered. The odds may be stacked against them but Bramblestripe had faith that they would be able to persevere. 

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