Chapter 40

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"Hawkstar, we need to talk to you," Stonesplash began, Duskflower beside him.

Oh StarClan! What had happened now? By their faces, he knew it was nothing good. Just when he thought things were going well here came more trouble.

"Let's go to my den," Hawkstar meowed. As he led the way, his mind whirled. Were they leaving the Clan? They couldn't leave! Stonesplash had quickly become a trusted warrior. Admittedly, he didn't know Duskflower that well, but she seemed content. Where would they go?

Had he done something to drive them away?

Hawkstar braced himself for the worst. "What do you have to tell me?"

"It's about Shadowheart," Duskflower began.

"Shadowheart?" Hawkstar echoed, completely lost. He had seen the black she-cat eating by herself as usual. Of all his new Clanmates, she was the one he knew the least. Still, if she had a problem, why hadn't she come to him? He looked at his two warriors. "What about her?"

"She's plotting to destroy GrassClan."

"What?!" This was the last thing Hawkstar expected to hear. He almost couldn't believe it except he knew neither Stonesplash nor Duskflower were jokers. Dread washed over him. GrassClan had survived the impossible. How could they lose everything now? "Tell me everything."

So, they did. Beginning with Duskflower's suspicions, Stonesplash's support and their plan to get proof. How they had tailed the black she-cat for moons before they finally felt they could come forward.

"That's all?" Hawkstar asked as they finished. His earlier dread was washed away in a flood of relief.

Stonesplash nodded. "Yes, that's everything."

"You don't believe us, do you?" Duskflower asked through narrowed green eyes.

"Well, it's not much. Shadowheart was just caught talking to a rival in the ravine with no prey and no borders crossed by either of them. While it's not exactly encouraged, it's not the worst thing a warrior can do. It's even understandable, given that Shadowheart is a former PineClan warrior." Hawkstar shook his head. "I expected better from both of you, bringing such strong accusations against a Clanmate."

"You think it's nothing to worry about," Stonesplash meowed with disbelief.

"Right." Hawkstar nodded. "Not without stronger evidence than your theories."

"Sorry to have wasted your time," Duskflower meowed tersely before leaving the den.

Stonesplash looked at him. "Are you going to do anything with the information we gave you?"

"Look, I'll talk to Shadowheart, but I won't accuse her of treason. I can't drive out a warrior without substantial proof. Not so close to leafbare when every warrior is extremely important to the survival of GrassClan."

"I understand, Hawkstar. We won't do this again," Stonesplash meowed. He bowed his head to his leader before exiting the den.

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