Chapter 83

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"Honeypool, Swanflight is starting to kit," Fernshade meowed.

By now, near the end of newleaf, Honeypool had helped multiple queens kit. Each experience had been different and she had learned something new from each delivery. The wonder and joy she felt helping bring kits into the Clan hadn't changed. Each new life was a reminder of StarClan's blessings. She expected this time to be no different.

All of the queens and kits were outside except for Duskflower and her litter that had just turned half a moon old. The medicine cat was thankful for the peace and breathing room this afforded. Nothing like having a pawful of nosy kits watching your every move, asking all the questions and trying to help. All of her focus needed to be on Swanflight now.

Thistletail arrived then and hurried to his mate's side. "What can I do?"

"Just try to keep calm. These things take time," Honeypool advised. "I've examined Swanflight and it feels like she's got a belly full of kits ready to arrive."

Thistletail gave Honeypool a curt nod before turning to his mate. He murmured gently to her and licked her face with smooth strokes of his tongue. Swanflight managed a broken purr under her mate's attention and though she still trembled, she appeared much calmer with him near.

Honeypool would never have guessed that the angry and stern deputy she had met upon her arrival in GrassClan could be so gentle and sweet. She attributed it all to Swanflight's influence. She was soft where he was sharp yet they were so good together. Only love could have that kind of power. It was a beautiful thing to witness.

All morning Swanflight struggled through contractions that slowly increased in frequency and strength. Thistletail was actually a great help at encouraging his mate, sating her thirst and comforting her through it all. He showed none of his usual impatience or short temper with her. As the white queen's labour progressed, one, two, three and finally four kits were born.

"They're beautiful," Swanflight whispered.

"They look like you," Thistletail meowed.

"And you."

The newborn kits were various shades of white and ginger.

"They're perfect!" Thistletail purred.

Honeypool had never heard the deputy purr before. Who was this cat?

"I'll leave you alone now," Honeypool meowed.

"Thank you, Honeypool," Swanflight purred, blinking wearily at her.

"If you need me, you know where to find me."

Honeypool left the nursery into the warm newleaf day. Swanflight had been the last queen to kit. The nursery was full of queens and kits. They were all healthy and thriving. GrassClan's future looked bright.

Life was good. 

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