Chapter 101

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"Any thoughts on who their mentors are going to be?" Thistletail asked Hawkstar.

Leader and deputy sat side by side outside Hawkstar's den observing the kits as they played. The oldest-Weaselkit and Nightkit-had reached their sixth moon. The entire Clan had been waiting for this moment. The closest Hawkstar had ever come had been when he had chosen Wildbloom as Bumblepaw's mentor back when the volunteers had first arrived. That had been a lucky guess on his part as he hadn't known either of them well enough to make an informed decision.

This time was different. Weaselkit and Nightkit had been born and raised in GrassClan. Hawkstar had known the two kits their entire lives, just as he had known their father. He had had the unique opportunity to help watch them as part of his regular duties as Clan leader. He knew exactly what sort of cats they were.

Now the time had come to choose their mentors. Not every cat was meant to be a mentor and even if they were, it didn't mean they could mentor every apprentice. The Clan's kits had to be taught how to be good warriors. It was the most formative time in a cat's life. How they were taught would shape the warriors they would become.

Hawkstar wanted to get this right.

Weaselkit was smart and lively like his mother, Brightwhisker. Though he was one of the oldest kits in the Clan, he was not bossy or overbearing. This he had gotten from his father, Hareflight. Weaselkit was easygoing and playful. All qualities that would make him a capable warrior someday.

"Weaselkit could really be mentored by any cat, but I was thinking about asking Flowerpetal," Hawkstar meowed.

Thistletail looked thoughtful for a moment. "I can see that."

Flowerpetal may have been a surprise late addition to the Clan, but she was a good warrior: calm, compassionate and competent. She worked as hard as any cat and rarely complained, no matter how difficult things got. She got on well with their Clan as if she had been there from the start. Besides, she had raised Bumbleflight and Honeypool incredibly well despite how unpleasant PineClan could be. She was a perfect choice.

"And Nightkit?" Thistletail asked.

Nightkit was quiet but sweet. She was nowhere near as active as her brother and preferred quieter games or simply being by herself. Her denmates could get her to join in games but she did so without much enthusiasm. Her father had been much the same way as a kit so it wasn't nearly as worrying as it might otherwise have been. Given a chance, she would grow into a warrior any Clan would be proud of.

"The only cat that I think could give Nightkit everything she needs is Duskflower," Hawkstar meowed.

"Why do you say that?" Thistletail asked.

Duskflower had been a difficult cat to get to know. She had been so very reserved at first. Though she performed her duties well, it had taken moons before she began to settle in to GrassClan. Even now, while she was ever polite, she had only a few close friends within the Clan. Nevertheless, she was a great warrior.

"If any cat can help Nightkit adjust into a competent warrior, its Duskflower," Hawkstar meowed.

"When do you plan on asking them?" Thistletail asked.

"I was planning on doing it now."

Hawkstar rose to his paws, seeking out the two queens. He wasn't one for surprises. This way, they could refuse if they wanted. Not that he thought they would but still. He much preferred to have his Clan prepared, even for good things like this.

A new season in GrassClan was about to begin. 

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