Chapter 60

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"Tell us everything!" Thistletail ordered.

Hawkstar shot his deputy a warning look. He was eager to find out what he could but not like that. He flicked his gaze back to Shadowheart. "Why did you come back?"

Shadowheart met Hawkstar's gaze without flinching. "I have information that could help you in the battle against PineClan."

"Why should we trust you?" Thistletail growled.

"Because I-" Shadowheart flicked her ears and looked away for an instant. Then she returned her gaze to Hawkstar. "I finally know where my loyalties lie, and it is not with PineClan."

"And your father?" Hawkstar asked.

"My father and I don't share the same ideals. Not anymore."

"And you haven't come back just because your father banished you?" Thistletail pressed.

"No! I left PineClan because I wanted to."

Hawkstar and Thistletail exchanged a look. They still didn't trust her, but they would still hear her out.

"So, what is this information you have to tell us?" Hawkstar asked.

"GrassClan has been wasting its time and energy on the wrong border," Shadowheart began.

"What do you mean?" Thistletail asked. "The ravine has had PineClan activity for the past moon! It's the most direct route into GrassClan."

"And the most obvious. PineClan used the ravine border as a distraction. They're really planning on crossing into GrassClan from the mixed woodland border. They want to attack the camp directly."

"How do they even know where our camp is?" Thistletail snarled.

Shadowheart glanced away. "I told them."

Thistletail growled and Hawkstar flicked his tail in front of his deputy, afraid the other tom would actually spring at the black she-cat.

Not to say Hawkstar wasn't horrified. To battle another Clan was an expected part of Clan life. To attack their camp was another thing entirely. It made his pelt crawl to think that they had had a spy in their midst, giving away all of GrassClan's weaknesses. Though, they could certainly do something about that now.

"Is there anything else you can tell us?" Hawkstar asked.

"They attack tonight."

"We have to tell the Clan."

The Clan went dead silent as Hawkstar, Thistletail and Shadowheart exited the leader's den. They parted to give Hawkstar a clear path to the Meeting Stone. He walked through his expectant Clan, all eyes fixed on him. There was no need for him to call the meeting to order. He had every cat's attention.

"PineClan is going to attack, tonight," Hawkstar announced.

There was no shock. They had been expecting this. Now the wait was over.

"What's the plan, Hawkstar?" Stonesplash asked.

"For a bigger Clan, I would split us up into three separate patrols: one to defend the camp, one to attack and one to reserve. As it is, I will need every single warrior in the same battle patrol," Hawkstar explained.

"What about her?" Breezefoot growled, eyes on Shadowheart.

"Will she fight with us?"

"That will be up to Shadowheart," Hawkstar responded.

Shadowheart looked at the crowd around her. "I will fight with GrassClan."

"Can we trust her?"

"Can we afford not to?" Bramblestripe looked at their Clanmates. "You heard

Hawkstar. We need every warrior we can get."

The Clan didn't look convinced, discontent mutters rippling through the Clan.

Though, they didn't argue the point further.

"This is not a typical battle over borders or prey. This battle will determine GrassClan's very survival. If we lose, we don't just lose a border or a meal. We lose our lives, our territory, our camp. We will lose the very things that make us GrassClan."

"Then we can't lose." Wildbloom sat tall, green gaze steady and mew ringing with conviction.

"StarClan wouldn't have brought us this far for it to end like this," Honeypool meowed.

"This is what we've been training for. Our skills are as sharp as our claws. Let's show PineClan that they can't take away what's rightfully ours!" Thistletail was fierce as always but for the first time ever, it wasn't directed at his own Clanmates.

"We are GrassClan!" Hawkstar yowled.


The rest of the Clan took up the cheer until the camp shook with the sound. They would be fighting the biggest battle they had ever faced. They were a young Clan, and it would either strengthen their bond or shatter it completely. Yet, they were eager to prove themselves. That much was evident in their gleaming eyes and flicking tails.

The meeting broke apart into small clusters. Warriors moved through camp keeping themselves busy. Some practiced battle moves, others got something to fill their bellies and still others got some sleep. Every cat was doing something to prepare for the impending battle. There was one thing that Hawkstar knew he needed to do.

"Wildbloom, I need to tell you something," Hawkstar meowed, joining the practicing warriors.

Wildbloom looked away from where Duskflower was demonstrating an effective swipe and drop attack combo. "Alright."

Hawkstar led her to his den before turning to face Wildbloom, but he didn't speak right away.

"What is it, Hawkstar?" Wildbloom asked.

"Wildbloom, I-" Hawkstar hesitated, suddenly looking nervous. "I don't quite know how to start."

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," Wildbloom urged gently.

Hawkstar took a deep breath. "I was as surprised as the next cat when StarClan asked for volunteers to join GrassClan. Yet, I accepted it because it was our last hope of survival. It seemed almost unbelievable that any cat would show up. Then you, all of you, came. I knew it wouldn't be easy and it hasn't been but seeing the Clan come to life again has made it all worth it."

"What I hadn't expected and caught me completely by surprise, Wildbloom, was you," Hawkstar meowed, taking a step towards her. "Over the past six moons, I've not only welcomed you into my Clan but into my heart."

Wildbloom's breath caught and her eyes widened with surprise.

"It's alright if you don't feel the same way but I just wanted to tell you how I feel before it's too late," Hawkstar hurried on.

"I do feel the same way," Wildbloom assured.

"You do?" Hawkstar broke into a purr, tail raised in delight.

Wildbloom twined her tail with Hawkstar's, their purrs blending together. He didn't know how long they stayed liked that. Happier than he had ever been, he wanted it to last for as long as possible. Of course, it was not meant to be.

Hawkstar pulled away first. There was no need to say anything else. Their lovely moment was over. He was the leader of the Clan, and he would always put them first. Now, it was time to fight.

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