Chapter 20

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Life had settled down in GrassClan over greenleaf. They no longer felt like warriors from separate Clans, drawn together by StarClan's decree. They had learned the territory, the hunting and fighting techniques and the customs of their adopted Clan. They felt like one Clan, all working together for the same goals. It was almost like they had been born into GrassClan.

Hareflight had slowly lost his reservations around the volunteers. He treated them all like true Clanmates. He no longer lived in the still empty nursery. He was still quiet but that was natural for him. He and Brightwhisker had recently become mates.

The only one who still hadn't adjusted was Thistletail. The GrassClan deputy was still short-tempered and refused to interact with the volunteers beyond patrolling with them and sleeping in the warrior's den. They had stopped trying to please him as nothing worked. His poor temperament could only be tolerated. They all did their best to ignore him as well as they could given his rank with within the Clan.

The transition from greenleaf to leaf-fall could be felt in the evenings now, as the sun set earlier and there was a distinctive nip in the air. The tall green grass of the meadow had begun to yellow then brown. The first rain was expected any day now. Prey was still running and hunting patrols were sent out multiple times a day to take advantage of that. The lean moons of leafbare would be here soon enough.

Swanflight was sharing her evening meal with a few Clanmates.

Brightwhisker and Hareflight lay side by side.

"Coming from PineClan, we didn't see much change between seasons in the forest. The trees never lost their needles. I rather like seeing the changes in our territory now," Brightwhisker meowed.

"GrassClan territory is almost unrecognizable come leafbare," Hareflight meowed.

"The only thing I didn't like about leafbare in WillowClan was that the river gets freezing cold. I hate getting wet so it was always a struggle when I had to go hunting," Stonesplash meowed.

"But you were born in WillowClan. How can you hate water?" Brightwhisker asked.

"Isn't it obvious? He's too big and heavy to be a good swimmer. You probably sank like the stone you're name for," Duskflower meowed, eyes gleaming with amusement.

Stonesplash flicked his ears. "Duskflower is right. Swimming was never easy for me."

"Is that why you left WillowClan?" Shadowheart asked.

The volunteers didn't really talk about why they left their birth Clans. Swanflight knew they each had a reason. She just preferred to focus on the present rather than the past. Though, it wasn't surprising that Shadowheart of all cats would ask.

"It was a small part. WillowClan is a big, strong Clan. Even though I was a senior warrior there, I never felt needed. There were far more senior warriors than I, cats that were better hunters. I was just another cat in the crowd, ya know?" Stonesplash explained.

The other warriors listened in silence, giving nothing away with their expressions.

"I was at the Gathering when StarClan appeared. Here at last was a place where I would really be needed. That could use a big, strong, capable cat like me. A place where I could really feel a part of something. Never having to swim again was just a bonus to that. So here I am."

"And do you still feel that way?" Hareflight asked.

Stonesplash nodded. "Oh yes. GrassClan is where I need to be."

"Well, I'm glad you're here," Hareflight meowed. He looked at the other warriors. "All of you." The young brown tom rose to his paws. "I had dawn patrol this morning so I'm calling it a night."

"And I've got dawn patrol tomorrow so I need to get some sleep, too," Brightwhisker meowed.

This signaled the other warriors to also head in for thenight and the camp soon fell silent and dark, the moon only a claw-scratch inthe sky. 

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