Chapter 99

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Bramblestripe was just about to pounce on some hidden prey when Wildbloom shoved past him. Needless to say, she ruined his catch, but he didn't care about that. He had known Wildbloom his entire life. She was never rude.

"Hey!" Bramblestripe exclaimed. "What's going on?"

"Four of the kits snuck out of camp!" Wildbloom explained, on the edge of panic.

"What?" Duskflower appeared along with Flowerpetal.

Flowerpetal had joined his hunting patrol after she finished dawn patrol. He had been thankful for the help since Swanflight, and Fernshade-the two cats originally assigned to his patrol-had gone off to hunt with their mates.

"How long have they been gone?"

"Why are you alone?"

Wildbloom filled them in about the discovery of the missing kits and how Hawkstar had sent his available warriors off in different directions to search.

"We'll help you, of course," Bramblestripe offered at once.

"Have you come across any sign of them?" Duskflower asked.

Wildbloom shook her head. "Nothing!"

"Perhaps the others have found them already," Flowerpetal soothed.

"Until we've heard otherwise, we need to keep looking," Duskflower meowed.

"Of course," Flowerpetal agreed. "I would never suggest otherwise."

The patrol spread out in the meadow their senses alert for the sounds of rustling or squeaks that would suggest soft warm bodies were nearby. Though this time they were looking for kits not prey. They made it to the edge of the meadow with no luck. The swathe of forest that lay between them and the OakClan border loomed ahead. With barely a glance, their search continued into the trees. They wouldn't stop until the kits were found.

Bramblestripe came across a tuft of gray fur, soft as down. "I've found something!"

The rest of his patrol gathered around.

"It's Smokekit!" Duskflower confirmed, a faint tremble in her mew.

"At least we know they made it this far."

"But where are they now?"

With something solid to go on, they followed the scent trail as quickly as they dared.

Bramblestripe felt a tremor of unease as they neared the border. He didn't like thinking ill of other Clans, but OakClan was no place for trespassers, kits or not. He heard the happy squeaks of kits and quickened his pace, along with the others. He rounded the next bush to see all four kits gathered around the last cat he wanted to see: Thornfang.

Bramblestripe stiffened. He didn't want one of the most dangerous cats in the forest so close to GrassClan kits.

"Hiya, Bramblestripe!" Meadowkit squeaked.

"This cat says he's your brother!" Flamekit squeaked.

"Is that true?" Riverkit asked.

"Yes," Bramblestripe answered, mew strained.

"Kits, come here at once!" Wildbloom ordered.

They tumbled over, unaware of the tension between the warriors.

Duskflower pulled Smokekit close, his pale fur clashing with his mother's dark.

"Can GrassClan not take care of their own kits?" Thornfang asked. "It would be a shame if something happened to them.""

Bramblestripe growled. "Not that OakClan can do much better thanks to you."

Unfiltered rage glittered in Thornfang's amber eyes, but it was gone a heartbeat later. "I don't know what you mean. All of our kits know their place."

"We need to get back to camp," Wildbloom meowed.

"Of course. I won't keep you any longer." Thornfang slipped into the undergrowth.

Bramblestripe took a moment to collect himself, hating how his brother made him feel. Forcing his fur to lie flat, he turned to his Clanmates. "Flowerpetal, let the rest of the Clan know the kits are safe. Its gonna take us time to get back to camp from here."

Flowerpetal nodded before racing off.

Bramblestripe looked at Wildbloom. "I can carry Meadowkit." He looked at the other kits. "Anyone want a badger ride back to camp?"

"I can make it!" Riverkit asserted.

"Me too!" Flamekit agreed.

Smokekit looked tired. "Not me."

Bramblestripe laid down and let Smokekit climb onto his broad shoulders. He rose to his paws and felt Smokekit cling securely to his back. "Everybody ready?"

It was time to go home. 

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