Chapter 68

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"Honeypool, Brightwhisker's kitting," Doeheart informed the young medicine cat.

Honeypool was jerked from her thoughts. She had become increasingly introspective in the two moons that had passed since the PineClan battle and the death of her brother. Thankfully, she had been expecting this kitting for the past quarter moon and was able to grab the leaf wrap she had prepared and left her den. While she had learned all about the care of expectant and nursing queens during her apprenticeship, this was the first time she was doing this on her own.

"I know you must feel exhilarated and nervous but you'll do fine. Brightwhisker is young and healthy and you've proven yourself capable." Doeheart gave Honeypool an encouraging blink.

"But this isn't just another litter. This litter will determine the future of the entire Clan," Honeypool protested.

Doeheart leveled her with a look. "I've been there before and this time will be different."

Honeypool was immediately humbled. Her nerves were nothing compared to the desperation GrassClan had experienced just last newleaf. Doeheart was right. Even if everything went wrong, they still had other she-cats in the Clan to secure GrassClan's future. There was nothing to worry about.

I can do this, Honeypool thought. Everything will be fine.

"I'll reassure the Clan," Doeheart meowed. "They tend to get restless during a kitting, especially if it's the first one they've had in a while."

"Thank you," Honeypool meowed with a grateful blink at the former medicine cat.

Honeypool slipped into the nursery.

"You're here!" Hareflight breathed, the relief evident in his mew.

Almost before she had set down her leaf wrap, the first kit had arrived. Honeypool sat back to watch as Brightwhisker's instincts took over. With a few nips, the first-time queen had opened the birthing sac and severed the birthing cord. Then, she cleaned her newborn kit with rough licks.

Hareflight broke into a rumbling purr as his kit mewled nice and loud.

Honeypool did a perfunctory exam of the newborn kit. "Congratulations, you have yourselves a healthy tom! Before he has his first feed, I need to examine you, Brightwhisker. How are you feeling?"

Brightwhisker purred. "Fine."

Honeypool palpated Brightwhisker's soft white belly with practiced paws. "Feels like you've got one more kit to go." The young medicine cat stepped back and the newborn kit nuzzled at his mother's belly.

The new parents marveled over their new kit. He was a light brown like his father with splashes of white on his chest and paws like his mother. Having had his fill, he nestled against his mother's shoulder.

Brightwhisker gave a contented sigh.

"Looks like your next kit isn't in as big a hurry to join the Clan as your first. I'll leave you to it but if your pain starts up again, don't hesitate to come get me," Honeypool meowed.

"Should we be concerned it's taking so long?" Hareflight asked with a twitch of his tail.

"Not at all," Honeypool reassured. "Every labour is different and it's perfectly normal for things to take their time. For now, enjoy your healthy kit and we'll all look forward to the arrival of the second."

"Thanks, Honeypool," Brightwhisker purred.

The young medicine cat gave the new little family one last look before exiting the nursery. Almost at once she had a curious crowd around her.

"How many kits?"

"Are they healthy?"

"What do they look like?"

"What are their names?"

"Only one healthy tom so far. He's a light brown tabby with a chest and paws. No name yet," Honeypool informed her Clanmates.

"This is great news for GrassClan!" Hawkstar declared with a pleased wave of his tail.

Curiosity satisfied, the rest of the Clan dispersed, allowing Honeypool to breathe. She looked around for a familiar pale ginger pelt before catching herself. Her heart broke as she thought of her brother. Time had still not softened the ache of losing Bumbleflight. He would have loved having kits in the Clan.

"You miss him too."

Almost immediately after the battle, Flowerpetal had joined GrassClan grieving the death of her son and refusing to live in a different Clan from her remaining kit. Having lost two warriors during the battle, GrassClan hadn't turned her away. She had quickly settled in and having her mother in the same Clan had eased the burden of Honeypool's own grief.

"He had been looking forward to being a mentor but he'll never have the chance now," Honeypool meowed sadly.

Flowerpetal pressed against her daughter's side. For a moment, Honeypool was a kit again, being comforted by her mother's presence. Then, Flowerpetal pulled away. Honeypool wasn't a kit anymore. She was a medicine cat and she had a Clan to take care of.

Darkness fell and Brightwhisker's second kit came with it. She was black as the night she was born on and healthy like her brother. Hareflight and Brightwhisker named their light brown tom Weaselkit and the black she-cat Nightkit. The Clan celebrated the arrival of the late if not speedy arrival of the kits with an exultant relief. Newleaf was off to a bright start!

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